Anyone own a pub?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2004
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Kind of curious what all goes into starting a pub.

If I did I would want to serve my home brew. What kind of licenses would I have to get to do this besides my liqour license.
I hear that. What does go into opening a microbrew pub. That has turned into my dream. I have been cooking half my life, with home brewed beer, I could be doing what I want. takes a LOT. Not to be discouraging, but the hoops you have to go through and the cost of all the stuff you need to do to be a legal microbrewery are the reason that people don't have pubs on a "just sell my homebrew" level. You have to deal with ATF. You have to have government standard measurement tanks. You have to know the EXACT alcohol content. Depending on your state, you may also be required to serve food and run a restaurant.

Microbreweries and brewpubs have been closing down and getting swallowed up lately more than they have been opening. The big boys moved in years ago, and it is really a competitive market. It's definitely a lot more difficult in terms of licensing than, say, opening a bar, which is no walk in the park either.

Add to that you have to know how to brew professionally. Homebrewing is one thing, but are you good enough to compete with commercial brews? Can you repeat a beer exactly every time? Do you really want to? How about the cost of equipment, which is enormous? Most commercial breweries, even small ones, have professionally trained brewers running the show. The average homebrewer doesn't know a fraction of what is required to brew commercially.

If you want it to stay fun, keep it a hobby. There's nothing that will take the fun out of something like doing it for a living.

Just my $.02 I've thought about this kind of thing off and on for over a decade, and I've worked in brewpubs. It's definitely a big deal to get one off the ground.
TxBrew said:
Kind of curious what all goes into starting a pub.

If I did I would want to serve my home brew. What kind of licenses would I have to get to do this besides my liqour license.

Hey TxBrew, if you really want an idea, check out "Brewery Planner: A Guide to Opening and Running Your Own Small Brewery". It's a publication from the Association of Brewers and is a pretty good read, plus has a sample busines plan. Each chapter is written by someone in the brewing industry and covers a different topic. I bought it off a few years ago, and it will either scare the hell outta you, or add fuel to the fire. You can also get it at ($60). It covers your marketing (or lack there of), wastewater treatment/requirements, building vs. renting, to hire a brewer or be one yourself, brewpub vs. a micro brewery, etc. Many things that most people haven't thought about unless they have been exposed to the business. It's a good one to have in the beer library, but fit or sure doesn't help the taste of your homebrew! :p
In Texas, you have to sell food and can't sell the brew off-premise.

Just my $0.02 worht :D

DeRoux's Broux
Hey DeRoux, I'm interested if this book discusses any of the permit issues in particular. Like does it give you an overview of what sort of state/federal licenses you have to obtain? Or is it more ideas on product development, equipment, financing, etc?
Janx said:
Hey DeRoux, I'm interested if this book discusses any of the permit issues in particular. Like does it give you an overview of what sort of state/federal licenses you have to obtain? Or is it more ideas on product development, equipment, financing, etc?

Janx, it's a little generic on those specific issues, because each state is a little different. Covers the basic's for EPA type guidelines for water treatment/waste water. Most states are similar, or maybe a little more stringent in that area. I went to Texas' Alcohol Control Board web page and downloaded threir brewpub guidelines in PDF. I'm sure Cali has a similar web page set-up or place to get that info? When I go home at lunch I can grab the book and double check to see if it might have references listed for that type of info? :confused:

DeRoux's Broux
Thanks for the suggestion I bought it used off Amazon for a few dollars cheaper.

Just started reading it but it covers a lot the questions I had in depth.