Anyone here seen a Shuttle launch at the Cape?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2007
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That would be so cool....we were scheduled to go on a cruise that would take off that night....then weather screwed up the launch......:(
Never. Saw one sitting on the pad, but business prevented me from sticking around for the launch. Saw them fly-over on the 747 a couple times in Huston. An amazing combination! Hard to believe it works.
I never saw the launch at CC, but I saw it on a beach in St. Augustine. Before we moved from Jacksonville they were suppose to do a night launch, but ofcourse it was rescheduled to an eventual daytime launch.

Seeing it launch at CC would be something great to see.
I did! It was in mid-January 2003. Unfortunately, that was the same shuttle that exploded upon re-entry a couple of weeks later.

The kids and I were in awe as we watched it take off. We could see it for a long times afterwards- miles up into the sky. It was awe-inspiring.
Saw a night time shuttle launch last october/novemberish I can't remember which. It was bright as day even though it was way after sunset. Very cool experience and definitely worth doing at least once in a lifetime.
Yeah, I would like to try and make it down for one of the what? 10 launches left....At least thats what I heard on TV tonight...
Unfortunately, none scheduled for a night launch unless there are weather issues. :(

The NASA TV channel on YouTube has some really nice footage of the last night launch.
We were staying on the West side of the state and had passes to see the might launch, but were too tired from the travels to drive across the state and then stay a a motel so we didn't go.

Worst decision ever. My wife will never let my live it down.
Missed it by that much........ As a grad student, the lab I worked in did a shuttle experiment. So I got to fly down, tour the facilities, had a VIP pass for the launch. I got to spend a couple of rainy days on the beach, only to have the launch delayed enough that I had to fly home before the launch as I wasn't essential to the mission at that point (my work was post recovery, back in the lab). I do have a mision patch that flew in space though, and the grant did pay for much of my time as a grad student.
We were down in Disney last year, and they had a scheduled launch......We were all excited to go, and then bam, weather screws the whole thing I have missed a launch twice because of bad weather.........
Anyone here seen a Shuttle launch at the Cape?
Almost every one of them since '93.;) My avatar is recent a shot of the Cape Canaveral/Kennedy Space Center area taken from either the Oribiter or Space Station (can't remember). Taken within the last year.
Seeing a shuttle launch is one of the coolest things I've seen in my life. Only seen one up close in person. It was the launch of Discovery putting the Hubble telescope into orbit.

Just an amazing experience.

There were other launches we were going to see but they were scrubbed when we were around. I have seen numerous shuttles and other rockets launch from up in Daytona Beach though. Not as exciting as being close, but still cool
Saw one about 15 years ago when I was about 14 or so. I got to watch the launch the other day on TV sitting at Walter Reed waiting for my magic number to be called and they mentioned only 5 more shuttle launches ever (all next year I believe??). So now that I'm a father of two I will be hitting a shuttle launch next year just to show them the awesomeness of what man/woman can accomplish.
Shuttle approached the landing strip from the south today so it flew right past us. Couple of shots:


We watched it take off a few weeks ago from my Uncles house a few miles away from the space center. It was amazing how much the entire sky lights up when it takes off. I wasn't ready for how loud it was, the house and ground was shaking and I actually thought something went wrong. I ran inside the house to watch it live expecting it to crash. It was pretty awesome to see.
I have seen one daytime, STS110 if I remember correctly. I am a member of the mission club where I automatically get the mission T-shirts sent to me. I order 2, one to wear and one to save. I have a lot of them. I just upped it to 3 the other day since they won't be any more soon (most likely anyway).

I have spent about 8 years in the space industry, building satellites, testing them and even worked Delta II launch operations but at Vandenberg AFB working on the rocket itself so I have seen more rocket launches. I was offered a job 2x to work shuttle operations getting it ready for launch but turned both down. Often regret that decision. I may be getting back into the space business soon doing the same work as before.
One word of advice I would give if you are heading to the public viewing areas at KSC is to catch an early a bus as possible so you can scope out the optimum spot. I found a spot with the best opening in the trees and I can't remember how many times people walked up to me sitting there and said "You got the best spot!" Take binoculars too! I was able to watch the boosters peel off while others where already heading back to the busses. That launch was almost canceled due to a computer malfunction just minutes before is was to go (they broadcast the mission control discussions) but they guy was able to correct it. I would like to have bought that guy some beers afterward, I would not have been able to return the next day.