Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but after a hour of reading, this seemed like as good a place as any to post this. Two questions - first, when you add the cocoa powder at flameout - after cooling the wort, do you dump the whole pot into the fermentor or do you siphon it into the fermentor leaving trub behind? Second, when adding the lactose, when do you do it? I have read about adding it during the end of the boil, at flameout, when racking into the secondary, before bottling/keg.
I have always siphoned the cooled wort from the brew pot to the fermentor, but I am also looking for ways to improve the flavor profile and mouth feel. I have made my extract with specialty grains chocolate port twice now, and while very good, it is always more bitter then I would like. I have boiled bakers chocolate (30 minutes) which I think contributed to the bitterness, so I am going to use 16 oz cocoa powder (10 gallon brew) at flameout and 2 oz of cocoa nibs in each secondary fermentor. I have never added lactose before, but after trying some other commercially available chocolate beers, I think the lactose would balance out any additional bitterness from the chocolate. I am going to keg 5 gallons and bottle the other 5 gallons from by 10 gallon brew for the holidays this winter.
Thanks for any and all insight.