Anybody know what this thing is?

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Active Member
Feb 24, 2012
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My company just got a new big ol' brew setup. It came with this thing, which looks like it would be used for a grav readings, but there aren't any holes in it for beer inputs. Any of you pro folks know what its for?

Do they offer really expensive courses and accreditation for using it correctly?

If that's the case it is a revenue generator.
Is there a tube coupled to the top barb running down into the cylinder?

If so, I think it is an automatic washer. If you pump water or cleaner into the bottom barb, the cylinder will fill to the level of the top barb, then a syphon will take over and drain the cylinder. This process can run unattended until the water is turned off.

In labs they are generally plastic and used for washing glass pipettes.


My company just got a new big ol' brew setup. It came with this thing...

No documentation with this new system? Or a vendor contact? Did they just order a "big ol' berw set-up" and wait to see what showed up?

Would they like to do more business that way? ;)
Doesn't come apart, and the spigots are jacketed so you would run water through it. It's definitely some sort of cooling unit, and there's nothing but darkness deep within its guts. I was thinking it could be for cooling a wort sample before it goes into fermentation, since the system runs the wort directly with a pump from the whirlpool to wort chiller to fermenter. MEH!

..and yes, it is for brewing beer. This time.
It's a parrot, for distilling. Up through the bottom out the top. You run it with an alcohol meter so you get real time alcohol level.
Water cooled sample chamber for a hydrometer, similar in design to a "Parrot" water cooled flow through hydrometer used in distillation. Cold water in the bottom connection, water drain from the top, hot wort inside, and hydrometer in the sample. A suggestion is to use a thermometer to determine the wort sample temperature and apply the correction factor to the hydrometer reading.
I made something similar for my rig, but not jacketed. Mine is simply a SS tube where cooling water goes in from the bottom and exits via the top connector and I sit the entire sample cylinder with the hydrometer & wort sample into the cooling chamber. The cooling water goes in via a needle valve and I can adjust to flow enough to provide a steady, slow water exchange while I do other things.