Any group buys in Michigan?

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There a thread about two months or so ago abou ann arbor I think, but everyone that was interested was a non supporting member.

I'd definitely like to do so, at least for base malts, and maybe some other common grains and divide a big bag into 5 lb per person.

I just mentioned it to the homebrew club president on monday actually, and he said there's been some interest since it cuts costs down for people but they've tried to do similar things in the past and the problem is always logistics and getting somebody to organize it. Seems like same thing here. I'd definitely order some stuff, but we need someone to organize, order, and do the logistics.

Any supporting members want to step up?
Ok, sounds like there's some folks. I'm in central michigan, right off I-94. About in the middle of the state. I drive to AA weekdays.
I have a massive pole barn and a couple of trucks. I dont know that i want to do *ALL* the work, but i'm certainly well placed for a good
portion of the state to pickup at my place, and also to deliver to southeast. I'm within an hour and a half of every major city in southern michigan except saginaw/bay city and muskegon. I'd feel comfortable with delivery and storage / pickup. I have a loader tractor and can handle pallets with a little work and have offloaded semis at the road. Does that drum up more interest?
Sounds like the ideal transporter, could do three pickup locations then maybe. AA sounds fair for southeast MI, then one nearish EL? Should cover most brewers imo.

I wouldn't mind arranging and organizing the orders, we'll need to find a good supplier and probably talk to the other group buys to see what are good things to purchase in bulk. I suggest talking to all the homebrew clubs nearby, and letting them know.

If we plan a few months out, maybe 3 or so, should be able to get enough people to make it worthwhile. I have at least 3 people at work that would be in, a couple friends, and I'll mention it to the homebrew club i just joined (roughly 40-70 people). Even if it's only 25% are interested, that's a good size. Another HBC is in AA as well.

Still don't get why this didn't exist already.
Ok, i'm not in a club, but hopefully others who are see this thread and pass it on. I'm not in a hurry, let's try to make it a good buy rather than hurry.

EL is what? East Lansing? Then maybe a Kzoo pickup? That's only 45 mins west.
That's a great deal. Probably can't beat it much with a group buy actually.

yea I was thinking the same thing. Im going to start buying in bulk at the beginning of next year once I get my containers all figured out and a storage/organization shelf lined up.
G.W. Kent is located in Ypsilanti, MI. They sell brewer's grains by the pallet.
The pallet can be compiled of one brand or a mix of what they have available for purchase. G.W. Kent is the closest grain wholesaler/retailer to the AA area.
And G.W. Kent does sell to the public.
Happy Brewing,
we have a few guys from time to time in western MI who purchase through our Chicago area group buys coordinated by the Chicago Home Brewers Group.
We are located about 15 mins west of East Lansing. I also have a large pole barn only about 2 miles from the highway.
Well you're welcomed to participate in our next buy that won't be until March probably.
I'm betting we can put together some sort of group buy for the eastern half at least. Anybody know prices at GW Kent, or have dealt with them? I work in YPSI and live in central/Jackson/Lansing/BC area.
we order fittings and such for the brewery I work at all the time from those guys, never had any issues. I would be interested in buying a few bags as well just base tho. I live in lansing. I wonder if you could pick the pallet up from the warehouse?
A bag of 2 row at AIH is 55. That's about 20 dollars savings a bag. 40 bags on a pallet, you save about 800. How many would people be interested in? I bet you couldn't use more than 2-3 bags a year depending on your brew schedule in an average house. We'll need plenty of commitments.
Ok, i wasn't sure. I haven't seen anyone as low as 40 for 55lb bags. AIH in AA and Taylor is ~55 for 55 lbs.

Back to the topic, would it make sense to build a website or something like that where people can put in orders, and
once the level gets to a certain amount, it triggers a buy and pickup at GW Kent or wherever?

If there's interest in this, we need people to post on this thread so we know if more than like 3 people would be interested.
Ok, i wasn't sure. I haven't seen anyone as low as 40 for 55lb bags. AIH in AA and Taylor is ~55 for 55 lbs.

Back to the topic, would it make sense to build a website or something like that where people can put in orders, and
once the level gets to a certain amount, it triggers a buy and pickup at GW Kent or wherever?

If there's interest in this, we need people to post on this thread so we know if more than like 3 people would be interested.

AIH 35$ 50lbs
Not a fan of this malster, or at least their "2row". It seems more like marris otter than 2-row. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it'll definitely make your beer taste a little different than intended.

good to know..I havent purchased any of this particular brand, I was going to buy a bag of it.
Not a fan of this malster, or at least their "2row". It seems more like marris otter than 2-row. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it'll definitely make your beer taste a little different than intended.

How close to Maris Otter, because it is generally higher than basic 2 row?
Yeah marris is typically higher yield, but I was referring more to the taste. Subbing this would give a slightly different taste than probably intended. May not be much of a difference in a dark ale but wouldn't suggest for a pale or anything lighter than a brown.

Was informed of this several months back by a aih employee who asked me to taste the grain beforehand so I could tell the difference.

Haven't found a cheaper source than winebarrelplus(livonia) or gw kent(ypsi)
Detroit/Hamtramck here - interested in a group buy. Not sure how these usually work, but I was recently thinking of bulk ordering from Northern Brewer. Once you have three 50lb bags, the shipping becomes a set $50 charge. By going in together on one order, we would save a lot.

I was thinking of making my order in July. Anybody interested in something like this?