AMCYL Kettle GIVEAWAY + Homebrew Supply's Black Friday | Cyber Monday Weekend Deals

Homebrew Talk

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Thankful for finally getting into this hobby that I knew for some many years I would enjoy.
Hey Homebrewers!

We're very excited to announce a new giveaway for ALL users! We have brand new AMCYL kettles(on sale RIGHT NOW as part of our pre-black Friday deals) and are going to let one lucky winner choose the AMCYL kettle they want for free (8 gallon,10 gallon,15 gallon, or 20 gallon options available).

To enter into the drawing, simply comment on this thread and let us know what piece of homebrewing advice, equipment, recipe, or whatever you're thankful for as a homebrewer. For us, we're thankful that we have a supportive community of homebrewers that have enabled us to do what we love! We will draw for the winner on Monday (11/26/2018) @ 10PM Central.

We're also launching our official Black Friday + Cyber Monday weekend sales at 11pm Central TONIGHT (11/22/2018) which will include, but definitely not limited to:

20% off all homebrew recipes

25% off CMBecker faucets and disconnects

25% off all homebrew keg kits

25% off all air distributors

AMCYL kettle sale

AMCYL new keg sale

COMPLETE homebrewing & kegging kits starting at $185.95

Reverse osmosis systems ON SALE

DIY jockey box kits 25% off

Used pin lock kegs for $29.95

Used ball lock kegs starting at $47.49

GRAINFATHER on sale for $799.95

FREE all-grain recipe w/ the purchase of any electric all-in-one brewing system like the Grainfather, Mash & Boil, or Robobrew

Brand new Cooler Brew all-grain equipment kits with TWO 10-gallon coolers, stainless steel false bottom, stainless steel nipples and ball valves with high temp tubing on sale for $189.95

PLUS FREE SHIPPING on orders $100+ (no coupon code required)and even more flash sale surprises throughout the weekend!

Thanks for supporting our company and for keeping the craft of homebrewing alive. Because we are such a small company, there will be extremely limited customer service available tomorrow since we'll be closed and celebrating Thanksgiving with our families but feel free to message us here or email [email protected] with any questions or if you need any help. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and best of luck to all who enter our giveaway!

I'm thankful that folks give stuff away. Thanks!
Hey Homebrewers!

We're very excited to announce a new giveaway for ALL users! We have brand new AMCYL kettles(on sale RIGHT NOW as part of our pre-black Friday deals) and are going to let one lucky winner choose the AMCYL kettle they want for free (8 gallon,10 gallon,15 gallon, or 20 gallon options available).

To enter into the drawing, simply comment on this thread and let us know what piece of homebrewing advice, equipment, recipe, or whatever you're thankful for as a homebrewer. For us, we're thankful that we have a supportive community of homebrewers that have enabled us to do what we love! We will draw for the winner on Monday (11/26/2018) @ 10PM Central.

We're also launching our official Black Friday + Cyber Monday weekend sales at 11pm Central TONIGHT (11/22/2018) which will include, but definitely not limited to:

20% off all homebrew recipes

25% off CMBecker faucets and disconnects

25% off all homebrew keg kits

25% off all air distributors

AMCYL kettle sale

AMCYL new keg sale

COMPLETE homebrewing & kegging kits starting at $185.95

Reverse osmosis systems ON SALE

DIY jockey box kits 25% off

Used pin lock kegs for $29.95

Used ball lock kegs starting at $47.49

GRAINFATHER on sale for $799.95

FREE all-grain recipe w/ the purchase of any electric all-in-one brewing system like the Grainfather, Mash & Boil, or Robobrew

Brand new Cooler Brew all-grain equipment kits with TWO 10-gallon coolers, stainless steel false bottom, stainless steel nipples and ball valves with high temp tubing on sale for $189.95

PLUS FREE SHIPPING on orders $100+ (no coupon code required)and even more flash sale surprises throughout the weekend!

Thanks for supporting our company and for keeping the craft of homebrewing alive. Because we are such a small company, there will be extremely limited customer service available tomorrow since we'll be closed and celebrating Thanksgiving with our families but feel free to message us here or email [email protected] with any questions or if you need any help. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and best of luck to all who enter our giveaway!

I am thankful for Star San!! Gotta keep it clean!
I am thankful for my family! Also the awesome quality of beer I can brew on my three vessel e-herms is not bad either! :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I’m with John !!!
I’m thankful for my family. I’m also thankful for the fact that I get to see the sun rise each day!!!

Prost brother. :mug:
I am thankful for HBT. This place has helped me so much with my journey. All the amazing people, and advice that can be found here is such a blessing.
I'm Thankful for Beer and would be more thankful for an additional 20 gallon kettle to brew with!
I'm thankful for my wife who supports my Hobby, and let's me spend too much money on equipment and supplies
Low oxygen brewing! Finally figured out why so many of my beers didn’t taste as good as what I could buy. Now they taste better.
Thankful to be a part of the awesome brewing community that steps up to help those in need.
I am thankful for my wife being 100% supportive of this hobby and for the users on this site. A good bit of my knowledge has come from the great brewers on Homebrewtalk. Thanks for sponsoring the constest!
I’m thankful for my cousin’s advice that got me into home brewing. He said “if you can bake a cake, you can make beer.”
I'm thankful that my family fully supports my homebrewing hobby. My son brews with me and buys homebrewing gifts for me (hops, dry hop tube, ...). My wife encouraged me to get back into brewing after a ~20 year hiatus. She purchased my gas burner and my first corny keg!
I am thankful that my wonderful wife supports my brewing. I am also thankful that hurricane Florence did not completely ruin my home brew setup. I am also thankful for vendors that support home brewing and especially thankful for Home Brew Talk for all the brewing knowledge shared on this site daily.
I’m thankful for my grain mill that enables me to buy whole grain in advance and crush it whenever I can squeeze in a time to brew.
I'm thankful for the ability to control the amount of heat put into water, magical chemicals to alter that water, and the solid foundation of knowledge borrowed from others to brew amazing beer.

Hey Homebrewers!

We're very excited to announce a new giveaway for ALL users! We have brand new AMCYL kettles(on sale RIGHT NOW as part of our pre-black Friday deals) and are going to let one lucky winner choose the AMCYL kettle they want for free (8 gallon,10 gallon,15 gallon, or 20 gallon options available).

To enter into the drawing, simply comment on this thread and let us know what piece of homebrewing advice, equipment, recipe, or whatever you're thankful for as a homebrewer. For us, we're thankful that we have a supportive community of homebrewers that have enabled us to do what we love! We will draw for the winner on Monday (11/26/2018) @ 10PM Central.

We're also launching our official Black Friday + Cyber Monday weekend sales at 11pm Central TONIGHT (11/22/2018) which will include, but definitely not limited to:

20% off all homebrew recipes

25% off CMBecker faucets and disconnects

25% off all homebrew keg kits

25% off all air distributors

AMCYL kettle sale

AMCYL new keg sale

COMPLETE homebrewing & kegging kits starting at $185.95

Reverse osmosis systems ON SALE

DIY jockey box kits 25% off

Used pin lock kegs for $29.95

Used ball lock kegs starting at $47.49

GRAINFATHER on sale for $799.95

FREE all-grain recipe w/ the purchase of any electric all-in-one brewing system like the Grainfather, Mash & Boil, or Robobrew

Brand new Cooler Brew all-grain equipment kits with TWO 10-gallon coolers, stainless steel false bottom, stainless steel nipples and ball valves with high temp tubing on sale for $189.95

PLUS FREE SHIPPING on orders $100+ (no coupon code required)and even more flash sale surprises throughout the weekend!

Thanks for supporting our company and for keeping the craft of homebrewing alive. Because we are such a small company, there will be extremely limited customer service available tomorrow since we'll be closed and celebrating Thanksgiving with our families but feel free to message us here or email [email protected] with any questions or if you need any help. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and best of luck to all who enter our giveaway!

I am thankfull to homebrewtalk because I am able to learn so much and the members are very helpful by sharing their experiences.
I'm thankful for, and my family that got me started homebrewing, Also thankful for the giveaways here, (even though I haven't won anything yet!)
I'm thankful that its between the lawn mowing and snowblowing seasons, and to all service members past and present.
When I was in grade school (back when it was 1st thru 8th) I thought I wanted to be a chemist. Never happened. Now, 50 years later, I'm thankful to indulge in a bit of chemistry (including flasks & test equipment) through brewing. And, even gardening with a few hop bines this year!