I'm not to happy with my second attempt. Did not go as good as first one. I'm made an Oatmeal Stout from extract and steeping grains. I got 2 problems. First I forgot to aerate the wort after I racked into my primary, so I did it after I pitched the yeast... No, actually I have 3 problems. Secondly, I pitched the yeast about 5*F over what it says(bone head). And third, for some reason after I racked into my carboy, there appears to be only about 3.5G of wort. It's right next to my first batch and its an inch and a half below the first one. SO, i'm an idiot, but what should I do about the low level? My OG reading was about 2-4 points off. I assume from the low volume. So should I top it off to 5 gallons? And is my yeast going to be alright. It's Safale US-05. I started both batches at 6.25G of water, and they both boiled the same amount of time, WTF?