yes, that is very possible, it was an old corny keg
if you google "kegging vs. bottling" you will be able to read all kinds of horror stories
I've read plenty of horror stories about "bottle bombs." Your arguments are clearly not informed by experience.
I'm pretty much exclusively kegging, and one thing I miss about bottling is keeping a cellar full of my brewing "history." It's the only redeeming quality I can think of for bottling, i.e. maintaining a library of historical brews. I keep a cellar full of wine, why not my brews? Well, it's just because it is really so much easier to keg. The solution to this is to purchase a beer gun, where I can bottle a fraction of my kegged beer and cellar it.
The arguments against kegging are the initial expense and fridge space required. However, keeping all of those bottles requires space (and housekeeping) as well. While kegging is expensive initially, the kegs are pretty much indestructible and easy to service. I started brewing years ago and quit due to the hassles with bottling. After buying a kegerator and discovering corny kegs, I am now back into it with fervor. I now have 10 kegs (8 of which were purchased new), and along with my 2 tap kegerator, also have a 14.7 cu ft chest freezer that serves fermentation and keezer duty. So, I've currently got 6 different beers on tap which is pretty cool (7 soon).
Buying all the gear was expensive, but not like other hobbies. I don't have a boat or an airplane, and I'm not into drag racing. So, the SWMBO is just fine with my hobby. Plus, I've made some excellent friends in this hobby, so all is good.
There are arguments to kegging and bottling, and each has merits and caveats. I find that kegging works for me, but I don't look down on those who bottle. To each his/her own. :rockin: