Adding Mouthfeel to a beer after its been brewed

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Active Member
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Janesville, WI
Is there a way I can add a bit of mouthfeel to a beer after is been kegged. I have a stout that turned out great as far as favor go, but the mouthfeel just isn't there I feel. I have it kegged with the burbon barrel blocks right now, I guess i was wondering if I could boil up some maltodextrin and added it to the keg or would that ruin the beer. Honestly the beer taste great, but like homebrew i like to tweak things


So I can added the malto to the keg then assuming is at been boiled and cooled?
I thought it had to be added to the boil. This is great then

If you do add it to the keg, be sure to keep checking the pressure. While maltodextrin is pretty much unfermentable, it is sometimes hard to know the purity of it (depending on your source). If it is not pure and has some fermentable sugars mixed in, you could create some serious pressure there (ask me how I know!). :)