Adding Citrus 30 min.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Osterville, MA
What are peoples thoughts? I think the Ph would change, but has anyone ever crushed a fresh grapefruit into a boiling batch of beer?
I added a little grapefruit zest to my orange zest for my Belgian Wit but it ended up a
citrus explosion and was unbalanced.
I would like to get a hint of citrus. Cascade hops sounds like it would do it, but I have a grapefruit tree in my backyard and it is kind of cool to pick it off the tree and then put some in. You know like it would be to grow your own hops. Thanks for the replies.
then use grapefruit zest. it'll actually impart the flavor into the beer better than adding grapefruit juice or flesh.
Amarillos and Chinook also work well for adding grapefruitty goodness.

Actually a good idea is to bitter with Chinook, flavor with Cascade/Amarillo and aroma with Amarillo...then you can dry hop with Cascade.

Oh, you'll have your citrus!
