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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2007
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Minneapolis, MN
When adding Carapils, how much should I use? If used in conjunction with Flaked Barley and Flaked Oats, what would be a good division of the three for a Chocolate Stout?
For a chocolate stout, I would only use the flaked barley and oats, and skip the cara-pils.

Seems like cara-pils is most useful in light-colored and clear beers, but for a stout, haze is acceptable and color's not an issue, so flaked stuff is fine.

Unless you already have otherwise, I'd consider perhaps 1/2 lb each of flaked barley and flaked oats?

If it's still not "full" enough for you, you can always add maltodextrine to your priming sugar mixture at bottling time.
Is possible to use either the flaked barley or flaked oats in extract brewing with specialty grains? Are there other ways to add head retention to extract brewed beers?