Adding a collar on a refridgerator?

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Active Member
Sep 4, 2014
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Hey so I got a free mini fridge from my parents house... It is OLD but works... It is kind of small though. The freezer part in top has the refrigerant lines in it so I think the body does not have any extra.

So I am considering adding a collar on the front of it like people do with chest freezers. What would be the best way to go about this as I am on a budget?

I was thinking like 1 or 2 by 6s since if I'm doing it I may as well go plenty of space... Would liquid nails work? Or should I just use some brackets screwed in to the fridge? Or what? And what's a good replacement for the gasket? The current one doesn't seal properly without the shelving and it is made to specially fit the edge of the shelves... I did try this already too.

Input would be much appreciated:)
I just want to make sure, you're taking about a mini fridge like this? I wouldn't trust liquid nails by itself. When collars are added to chest freezers there's still hinges to secure the lid to the body of the freezer. Regardless, it sounds like a bad idea.

Yes but not so short I can fit my 3G corney keg sitting on the back hump if I take out the drip tray... Or if I extend it with a collar I'll be able to fit two sitting on the bottom... Thinking a few brackets? Cuz I plan on taking the normal door brackets and just placing them on the outside of the collar to mount the door... Whatcha think like one or two on the bottom. And one on the top and sides from the fridge to the collar
I'd say the compressor is rated for a specific volume of internal storage so don't make it too big. Otherwise, add long add it's sealed, you'll be fine with a bracket on each side.