1st recipe from scratch - Irish Red

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Active Member
Oct 25, 2021
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As this will be my first recipe created from scratch, I'm looking for feedback. I used equations from Palmers HtB and drew inspiration from various websites.

My goal is to have a somewhat traditional Irish red ale with a little flavor from common Irish spices (i.e., Caraway and juniper). So far,

Method: BIAB
Efficiency assumed: 75%
Batch size: 6gal in fermentee
Target OG: 1.045ish
Target FG: 1.010ish
Target ABV: 4.5-4.7%
Target SRM: 18
Target IBU: ~25

60min mash ~152F
9lbs Maris Otter
8oz Caramunich
5oz Carared
3oz Roasted barley

30min into the mash, in a separate pan of boiling water:
2oz Kent Goldings hops
10min left of boil:
1tsp toasted/ground Caraway seeds
1/2tsp toasted/ground juniper berries

Combine separate pan and mash into fermenter, top off to 6gal batch size and OG, pitch 11g dry Nottingham Ale yeast at 62F.

Still need to run some tests on the spices to lock in the quantity and time in boil. By boiling the hops separately during the mash, and using cool water to top off the mash in the fermenter, I'm trying to shave off considerable time on this brew day.

Appreciate any feedback y'all can provide.
Why are you boiling 2oz of hops separate from the wort? I recommend skipping that. Just boil them in the wort or dry hop.

EDIT: sorry, I didn’t notice that you’re making this a no-boil brew day. Interesting concept but it’s one technique I don’t ever see myself trying. I’d cut mash time down before skipping the boil.
Appreciate any feedback y'all can provide.
7 Reasons For Boiling [an all-grain] Wort
  1. "To sterilize the wort: As homebrewers, we want as much control over our beer as possible. Beer yeast is (usually) the only thing we want growing in our beer. Boiling the wort kills off any microorganisms that may be in the wort or other ingredients. Sterilization requires a minimum of about 20 minutes of boiling."
Back in 2015, here at HomebrewTalk, it was suggested that "If you don't boil, expect the beer to sour ..."

I’d cut mash time down before skipping the boil.

With a high DP base malt, the mash may be done in 20 minutes. A 20 min boil would cover sterilization.

Personally, with Maris Otter (IIRC, it's a lower DP malt) and a malt forward style (Irish Red), I get better results with longer mashes (45 min) and boils (45 or 60 min).
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