Well-Known Member
So I have an AG ESB based on Jamils recipe in the fermentor right now
at 65 deg, 6hrs post pitch. I'm using WLP002 with starter (@18hrs).
I was totally expecting activity at this point, but there's none. I realize I'm jumping the gun, but I made an Oatmeal stout with same yeast and had some activity at 6hrs.
Here's where I question if I made a mistake in water adjustments. I used
Bru'n water spreadsheet and used 1.98g of Citric acid to adjust mash water pH.
One thing I did different was add yeast nutrient into the fermentor as I forgot to add at end of boil. From what I've read, this is not a show stopper.
Also adjusted mash and sparge as follows:
Ca Mg Sod Sulf Cl Bicarb
Existing Water Profile 10 2 20 6 4 80
Finished Water Profile 67 2 20 80 4 161
Mash Parameters
Batch Volume (gal) 6.50 Hardness (ppm as CaCO3) 176
RA (ppm as CaCO3) 84
Estimated Mash pH 5.8 Alkalinity (ppm as CaCO3) 133 SO4/Cl Ratio 19.93
Add. Mash Water Vol (gal) 4.00 Sparge Water Vol(gal)5.00
Mash Water Additions Sparge Water Additions
Mineral (grams) (grams)
Gypsum (CaSO4) 2.0 4.5
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) 0.0 0.1
Chalk (CaCO3) 1.0 Not Recommended
at 65 deg, 6hrs post pitch. I'm using WLP002 with starter (@18hrs).
I was totally expecting activity at this point, but there's none. I realize I'm jumping the gun, but I made an Oatmeal stout with same yeast and had some activity at 6hrs.
Here's where I question if I made a mistake in water adjustments. I used
Bru'n water spreadsheet and used 1.98g of Citric acid to adjust mash water pH.
One thing I did different was add yeast nutrient into the fermentor as I forgot to add at end of boil. From what I've read, this is not a show stopper.
Also adjusted mash and sparge as follows:
Ca Mg Sod Sulf Cl Bicarb
Existing Water Profile 10 2 20 6 4 80
Finished Water Profile 67 2 20 80 4 161
Mash Parameters
Batch Volume (gal) 6.50 Hardness (ppm as CaCO3) 176
RA (ppm as CaCO3) 84
Estimated Mash pH 5.8 Alkalinity (ppm as CaCO3) 133 SO4/Cl Ratio 19.93
Add. Mash Water Vol (gal) 4.00 Sparge Water Vol(gal)5.00
Mash Water Additions Sparge Water Additions
Mineral (grams) (grams)
Gypsum (CaSO4) 2.0 4.5
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) 0.0 0.1
Chalk (CaCO3) 1.0 Not Recommended