1st REAL attempt at water adjustment

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
Jackson, NJ
So I have an AG ESB based on Jamils recipe in the fermentor right now
at 65 deg, 6hrs post pitch. I'm using WLP002 with starter (@18hrs).

I was totally expecting activity at this point, but there's none. I realize I'm jumping the gun, but I made an Oatmeal stout with same yeast and had some activity at 6hrs.

Here's where I question if I made a mistake in water adjustments. I used
Bru'n water spreadsheet and used 1.98g of Citric acid to adjust mash water pH.
One thing I did different was add yeast nutrient into the fermentor as I forgot to add at end of boil. From what I've read, this is not a show stopper.
Also adjusted mash and sparge as follows:

Ca Mg Sod Sulf Cl Bicarb
Existing Water Profile 10 2 20 6 4 80
Finished Water Profile 67 2 20 80 4 161

Mash Parameters
Batch Volume (gal) 6.50 Hardness (ppm as CaCO3) 176
RA (ppm as CaCO3) 84
Estimated Mash pH 5.8 Alkalinity (ppm as CaCO3) 133 SO4/Cl Ratio 19.93

Add. Mash Water Vol (gal) 4.00 Sparge Water Vol(gal)5.00
Mash Water Additions Sparge Water Additions
Mineral (grams) (grams)
Gypsum (CaSO4) 2.0 4.5
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) 0.0 0.1
Chalk (CaCO3) 1.0 Not Recommended
How was the wort oxygenated? I think that makes the biggest difference in lag time. That is to say, if you oxygenate with a pump and stone, your lag time will be much shorter than with shaking to oxygenate.
I did 1hr on air stone and just for good measure shook for a min.

I'm just wondering if the diff. btwn the starter wort and the ESB wort w/water additions shocks the yeast. My final water profile is pretty close to London profile.
Thats a lot of bicarb. Why did you go with the chalk addition? What did the actual mash pH come out to?
Fermentation is active. This one took the usual 12hr lag time as in the past.
I was just worried about my water additions.

As far as chalk goes, I based it on a London water profile using Bru'n Water
spreadsheet. I was just trying to hit a value because that's what it indicated.
Spreadsheet indicated 5.8 for pH, as I don't have a meter. I have alot to learn as far as water adjustments go so I welcome all thoughts. Thanks.
Fermentation is active. This one took the usual 12hr lag time as in the past.
I was just worried about my water additions.

As far as chalk goes, I based it on a London water profile using Bru'n Water
spreadsheet. I was just trying to hit a value because that's what it indicated.
Spreadsheet indicated 5.8 for pH, as I don't have a meter. I have alot to learn as far as water adjustments go so I welcome all thoughts. Thanks.

Cool. This is a probably the best water thread there is: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/f128/brewing-water-chemistry-primer-198460/ its starts with 1 man's ideas on water treatment and then is thoroughly discussed over the next 50 pages. If water treatment interests you its a great place to start as most of the competing theories on water chemistry are represented there.

For brewing an esb, the brewing networks CBYI fullers esb ep is probably a good resource. I remember the water being discussed and I think it was simply filtered london tap water plus gypsum. I'm pretty sure its not the same water as published in the classic city profiles. ...and i kinda feel the classic profiles are a BS homebrewer myth (worse than hot side aeration) but a lot of really smart people still believe in them so I won't go into it again:)