100% MO barleywine - boil down first runnings?

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Jan 14, 2016
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I've made a number of english barleywines, usually with 1.5 to 2# crystal malts, a few darker ones with some carafa II, and I want to try one with just Maris Otter. I am wondering if it really adds much to boil down a gallon or two of the first runnings into a syrup, versus a 4 or 5 hour boil. I'd like to get the color to around 15srm. I'd also appreciate feedback from anyone that's made a 100% MO barleywine. Thanks!
Just made one, but not with syrup from first runnings or a long boil. 32lbs of MO first runnings only for 7 gallons, boiled to 5.5 gallons until 1.115 og, about 2 hours. Did a partigyle beer with the second/third runnings, added 7lbs flaked oats and 3lbs munich to get 10 gallons for an IPA. 2 beers in less time than a 5 hour boil.
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I made the wort last weekend. 18.5# MO. 5.5 gallons mash at 151, 7.5 gallons sparge - 2 batch sparges. Boil:

1. Boiled first runnings (just under 3 gallons) for an hour.
2a. Took 3 qts of first runnings to boil for another hour on stove.
2b. Added first sparge to remaining first runnings and boiled for an hour.
3. Added second sparge and first runnings and boiled for 2 hours.
4. Added Nugget and Target for 45 ibus and boiled for last hour.

OG 1.102. Color came out around 14 - forgot to take a picture. 3L decanted starter of WY1968. Fermentation started at 63 and finishing up at 72 now. I'll update with a picture and tasting notes in a few weeks after bottle conditioned.