Due to my local water (philly), I've shifted to using full RO water and have been having a hard time with dialing it in.
One of the things that throws me off is stripping back my starting pH from the average 6.8-7.2 to about 5.7-5.8~
Recently, I tried my stout recipe (grain bill & mash below)...
I am working with a BrewEasy Classic. It has a standard mash tun and a boil kettle. Mash tun is stacked on top of the boil kettle and uses gravity to bleed off wort from the mash tun via a tube with a fixed orifice. The water gets heated in the boil kettle and then pumped up to the mash tun...
Hello homebrewers,
I was wondering if anyone has tried any automated way of measuring gravity during boiling stage? I often have to do adjustments to my water level before I cool the wort for fermentation to get the right pre-fermentation gravity. I usually take a sample, cool it down to ~25...
Hi all,
I recently purchased some Calcium Chloride flakes online - was about to start my mash in yesterday online to find that it hadn't dissolved too well and left some rather non-CaCL2-looking deposits behind with it. I stopped what i was doing and went online to research once again what i'd...
Hello all, Im new to water adjustment and I recently had a RO system installed and sent a sample to Ward labs for analysis. I've been playing around with Bru'n water and this is what I've come up with. How does the PH and water adjustments looks for a Kolsch beer. From what I've read, the PH...
Hi all - I'm brewing up a 5 gallon light bodied IPA using 100% RO water in both the mash (3.9 gallons) and the sparge (5.1 gallons). I selected the Pale Ale water profile off of Bru'n Water because it says its good for hoppy beers. The exact profile is:
Cal: 140
Mg: 18
Na: 25
SO4: 300
Cl: 55...
Usually I add salt and acid to mash and sparge water, however I am thinking that a great deal of salt remains trapped in the grains and doesn't contribute much to the final beer characteristic (maybe I am wrong?). My salt additions are aimed at getting enough chloride in the beer to get a...
Hi folks,
I searched around in the related threads but didn't see this addressed anywhere...
I am new to water adjustment and am playing around with the free version of Bru n water to try and get a better understanding of how this all works and the effects that different changes in mineral...
I have a PH question on BIAB. I brew mostly blonde beers and PH seems to be a challenge with BIAB. I use brewers friend. A recipe with
9 lb German - Extra Pale Premium Pilsner Malt
1 lb German - Vienna
0.5 lb Belgian - Biscuit
0.25 lb German - Melanoidin
1 lb Belgian Candi...
I had my water tested. I brew on a H.E.R.M.S system. Should I be adding anything to my current water profile? The beer I make seems fine but am I missing something? Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
Water Test Results
pH 7.4
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Est, ppm 154
I got hold of one of these water test kits from Sensafe, with their brewing water test set-up. Link below to my hands-on review. It was pretty cool how easy it was to use. I did have some glitches/crashes with the App on my Android phone, but once I stuck to the basics of the water test, I...
I'm working on making a Kolsch and would like to get some advice on a proper water profile.
This is my tap water profile:
Ca: 20
Mg: 13
Na: 21
SO4: 9
Cl: 64
HCO3: 60
Ph: 8.2
I'm using Bru'n Water software to make my adjustments. I see there is a Cologne profile but I also see Martin...
I am happy to accept the short answer is no. It is always going to be interesting to see what you get and some information must be better than no information, but my question is not entirely flippant.
I have been searching through all the water threads in here and I can find very little...
Hey all, just wanted to get a few opinions/some feedback. I plugged the same grain bill, water additions, mash and sparge volumes (BrewCipher is slightly different), and starting water profile (100% RO/Distilled) into Bru'n Water/EZ Water/BrewCipher.
The estimated Ca/Mg/Na/SO4/Cl concentrations...
Hey everyone,
I was previously using local well water to brew with, and had some great results, but our well yield has dropped significantly since my last couple brews, so I've been using RO water (without any additions) with just OK results. I'm interested in building up my brew water from...
Hi there. I am trying to get back into homebrewing and want to start getting my water up to snuff as part of my practices. I live in Greenville, SC, which has great water overall but probably a little high in pH.
Reports show Ca 1 Mg 1 Na 8 Cl 5 SO4 5 and 7.8 pH...
Hi everyone,
I just bottled my first ever brew with fruit additions in the form of lemon peel in the boil and frozen blueberries in the fermenter. It was a 5 gallon basic IPA extract kit, I boiled for 60 minutes with the lemon peel, fermented for about 9 days, then added about 3 lbs of...
Hello everyone, I need some help.
I am having off flavors in my pale beers, is like a plastic weir taste. I think that is chlorophenols, but I really dont know what the real cause is, beacause I use sodium metabilsufite( powder) in my water( even tried using 2xrecomended quantity).
Recently I...
I was wondering if anyone has dialed back the Bru'n Water Pale Ale profile for their beers.
I have had some issues with boiling off too much water and concentrating ions too much, but I think I also want a little less sulfate in my pale ales.
How does this water profile look for a more balanced...