
Homebrew Talk

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  1. S

    Mormon Pioneer Homebrew Recipes?

    So I know this is kind of a long shot, but I'm looking for homebrew recipes from Mormons or Mormon communities between 1850 and 1950. My great-grandma was a homebrewer and a Mormon, and she had a recipe for wheat beer that is light on the details. I'm eventually hoping to pull together enough to...
  2. mcgimpkins

    Utah Stainless Steel Hop Spider 8"x18" and is 500 micron $60

    Asking $60 for a Stainless Steel Hop Spider 8"x18" and is 500 micron. Have it up on eBay so you can estimate shipping and bid. https://www.ebay.com/itm/173192407850?ul_noapp=true
  3. T

    Hello from Utah

    Hello, I am brand new to brewing, my wife got me a kit for Christmas and my birthday and I have loved doing it, although I feel like I have no idea what I am doing. I am very lucky in that I have a local homebrew supply store less than five minutes away, here in Ogden, UT. My first brew was...