
Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. MaxTheSpy

    Electronic Mead Brewing Setup

    I started an electronic mead brewing setup, I hope you all like it or can adapt it to what you need. I think it will be amazing and keep the quality up on the mead because you won't have to draw a sample from the carboy in order to read the SG, Just use tilt! Hardware Raspberry Pi B3+ RpI 7"...
  2. ClearedHot

    What's next for SW-controlled Brewing/Fermentation?

    Long-time lurker first-time poster, with a burning question for my fellow brew geeks: Is it time to collectively re-think our approach to software in the Brewery? I can hear the responses already "What a ridiculously vague question!" "What the hell are you on about?" "Can you help me get my...