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  1. L

    Thoughts on this Pastry Stout grain bill

    Hello everyone, New to the Forum, been brewing for about 5 years, but recently made the step up to All Grain and have 7 really solid AG Batches under my belt. AG has made me fall in love with brewing all over again! Anyway, I'll cut to chase, I'm wanting to make a sweet, high ABV (between...
  2. M

    Frozen/Fresh Fruit to Puree Conversion

    I typically use frozen fruit, but due to a raspberry shortage here, I need to turn to puree to get the job done! My recipe calls for 48 oz of raspberries, and I purchased a 3lb 1 oz (49.6 oz) can of puree made by Oregon Fruit. I've looked everywhere online, and can't find a "conversion chart"...
  3. Johan Dingler

    "crystals" on top of fruit addition to secondary.

    Hello everyone! First post. Sorry if it doesn't belongs to this board. I'm brewing a raspberry weizen, and after a week from throwing the raspberries into the fermentor a kind of salty crystals started forming on top of the fruit. I know them turning white is normal, but had never heard about...
  4. M

    TiltPI and CraftbeerBI3 in the same raspberrypi

    Hi Guys, Hope you're all fine. I am noob in raspberry. However, I already could setup a craftbeerpi and/or Tiltpi in my raspberry (3+) independently. What I am trying to do is to run both (craftbeer and tilt) in the same raspberry. Any of you did this? Here what I got so far, please let me...
  5. A

    Recommend a Recipe Please - Raspberry +?

    I have a kilo of raspberry puree leftover from the Raspberry Wheat beer I brewed and I would like to do something with it. I'm not interested in lambic/sour beers I'm much more interested is a Stout or Porter in the 5 to 6% ABV range. I'd appreciate any recipes that you have brewed and can...
  6. T

    American Amber Ale Raspberry Summer Wheat Ale

    I started making this beer as a nice summer wheat to keep around, here in Houston it's hot all the time. I have been playing with the hop additions and extract amounts. This combination so far has been the best. I am thinking about dry hopping the next batch for more aroma. Attached photo has...
  7. H

    Fresh raspberries in wheat beer

    Made a wheat beer the other day... Grain Bill White wheat 4.5# Pilsner 3# Flaked wheat 1# Light Munich 0.5# Hops EKG 0.5 oz 45 mins EKG 1 oz 15 mins Water 0.5 tsp CaCl 1 tsp gypsum Yeast Wyeast 1010 Then I went to a local brewery/berry farm and ended up with 7lbs of raspberries. So I got...
  8. Angus MacDonald

    Hard Pink Lemonade

    Wasn't quite sure where to stick this since it's not really a cider, beer, wine, or mead. I'm planning to make some hard pink lemonade based on a recipe I found online in a different forum from 8 years ago. Wondering if anyone had any experience/tips on making hard lemonades. I mean, it's...
  9. P

    Another stuck fermentation thread

    So I brewed up a Pale Ale kit from Brew House which is the concentrated wort kit (comes with 15L of wort) which I then add water and top it up to be 20L. OG was 1.060 and it got stuck at like 1.023. I used a dry saffale s05 for this batch. Its been at 1.023 for like 2 weeks now without any...
  10. Degan

    Pitching too cold? Too much head space?

    Long time lurker, first time poster. As the title suggests, I pitched my yeast into wort that was colder than recommended(68F instead of 80-85). I am using White labs belgian sour mix I which is supposed to be pitched at 80-85F. I am also concerned that I left too much room for o2. The problem...
  11. Northerngal

    Kettle Soured Raspberry Blonde

    9 lb 2row 1 lb pilsner 0.5 lb crystal malt BIAB Style Mash at 158 for an hour with 7.5 gal water. Remove & squeeze bag. Sour with lacto; brew belt for 3 days at 95F until pH of 3.5 or 3 (to preference) Boil for an hour to kill lacto. I don't use hops in this beer, obviously they can be added...
  12. crusader1612

    Raspberry, Vanilla, Coconut & Chocolate with hops

    I recently judged my first BJCP competition over here in NZ, and we came across what was called a "Jellytip Stout" (In New Zealand a Jelly tip is an icecream on a stick using coconut/vanilla icecream as the main base, with a raspberry jelly top section, and covered in chocolate). google if if...
  13. triethylborane

    Funkwerks Raspberry Provincial Clone (All Grain)

    Brew Method: All Grain Style Name: Witbier (BA calls it a Berliner Weiss, w/e) Boil Time: 60 min Batch Size: 5.5 gallons (fermentor volume) Boil Size: 7.5 gallons Boil Gravity: 1.025 Efficiency: 70% (brew house) STATS: Original Gravity: 1.038 Final Gravity: 1.008 ABV (standard): 3.92% IBU...
  14. F

    Flavored cider help

    Hello All, Just started a small 1 gallon batch of cider and I'm looking to do some flavors in this one. Possibly ginger or raspberry? I started primary fermentation on Friday. Is there anything I can add to the secondary to get a flavor going on, or did I need to incorporate the...
  15. F

    Flavored cider help

    Hello All, Just started a small 1 gallon batch of cider and I'm looking to do some flavors in this one. Possibly ginger or raspberry? I started primary fermentation on Friday. Is there anything I can add to the secondary to get a flavor going on, or did I need to incorporate the...
  16. markag

    Raspberry Witbier

    Hey guys. My dad and I are planning out our second annual Christmas season brew day. He's been home brewing for 2 years, and he got me started on it a year ago with a brew day when I was visiting him between Christmas and New Years last year. We both have been all grain brewing, BIAB style with...
  17. enyawgerg

    Help with Raspberry Port

    I made a chocolate Rasberry wine that I intended on turning into a dessert wine. It was all going well. I back sweetened with raspberry syrup and before bottling, I added a standard grape brandy. I believe I added too much brandy so it is a bit medicine tasting. So, I bottled it to age for 7...
  18. NuclearRich

    My first all grain! Quite a story...

    :mug: Well, I am a relative newbie, started doing extract batches with some specialty grains at my start in July'09. Just last week I ventured forth into uncharted territory (for me): the full mash all grain super mega awesome brew day! Got a 45ish quart cooler with a SS braid and read up...