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  1. M

    Take the guessing out of efficiency Part 2

    Note: This is the second article in a series of 3. The link to the first one is here In this article, I will explain how to calculate extract content of wort and sparging volumes. Conversion efficiency, as previously...
  2. M

    Take the guessing out of efficiency Part 2

    Note: This is the second article in a series of 3. The link to the first one is here In this article, I will explain how to calculate extract content of wort and sparging volumes. Conversion efficiency, as previously...
  3. L

    Temperature correction for Plato hydrometers

    Since SG & Plato are often used in tandem for calculations (e.g. dH2O(20C)*SG(20/20)*Plato = w extract), it is understandable that most homebrewers use either a SG hydrometer and calculate Plato (my current method) or use a dual scale SG/Brix=Plato hydrometer - although I don't particularly...
  4. L

    Bypassing Points

    I have been redoing my spreadsheet attempting (among other things) to eliminate gravity points from recipe calculations. Starting from m = V*SG*d*P m = mass (kg) extract V = recipe volume SG = specific gravity of wort d = density of water at 20C (kg/L) = .998203 P = degrees Plato Here are the...