
Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. S

    Repeated infections (need advice)

    So this may be a bit long but hopefully some of you can help me with this TLDR: Repeated infections (likely Brettanomyces) how do i troubleshoot in a public home brewery? Background: Im a relatively new brewer, made a few batches but im having a bit of a sanitation issue. I have access to a...
  2. L

    Three batches of several beers forgotten in my basement

    Humm... this is embarrassing. I brewed 3 batches this summer and then week after week ... I suddenly realised that they have been sitting there for 6 months now untouched after finishing fermentation. No signs of nasty infection even though there quite few black stuff on the surface. My...