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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. Jasonmcca

    Wanting to start brewing

    Hey guys I'm glad to have found this place. Im wanting to start brewing and Im very ignorant on the subject. Im a very avid drinker and I wanted to start brewing not only as a hobby but to reduce the cost of my intake. I've delved into allot of information to get started. I know it's pricey to...
  2. A

    Lessons Learned: My First Year in Home Brewing

    My home brewing story starts simply enough. One summer afternoon, a friend invited us over to grill some burgers and enjoy a few beers on his back patio. What I didn't know was that the beers we'd be drinking a Hefeweizen and an amber ale were made right there in his backyard. From that first...