
Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. MarTeBrew

    Bottling what to avoid?

    Hi Brewers, So I bottled few batches already. Some brews were ok to me but great to my friends. Because I am still learning I wonder if you can share what errors to avoid when bottling. I am asking after sanitization let's say with NO RINSE StarSan. For example: 1. How long we can keep...
  2. N

    Boxed Frankenstein

    Heyo, Novice brewer here, but unafraid to screw around. Ill get right to the point with what I did (including what I screwed up) and give you the obligatory story at the end so you can skip it. TrueBrew Belgian Ale (2/2/21) Recipe called for: 3.3# Pilsen Liquid Malt 1# Pilsen Dry Malt...
  3. M

    10 Worst Homebrewing Mistakes

    My dad taught me that making mistakes comes with the opportunity for an education; hence the phrase, "learn from your mistakes." However, I prefer to learn from someone else's mistakes. Some of the most fun you can have in this short life is watching someone get himself in a pickle, and then try...
  4. Gary Wolstenholme

    Hello from Sheffield, UK

    I thought I'd say hello! I signed up after pretty much every Google search I made for info ended up here. Homebrew is a new hobby (i don't like the word hobby, but can't think of an alternative!) for me. I worked as a freelance photographer for over a decade until about five years ago, when I...
  5. B

    Virgin brew. Made mistakes. Do I dump it and what should I have done?

    Brewing an IPA from a starter kit. Primary fermentation seemed too strong initially, I had given it alot of mixing and it's warm. It then seemed to be slowing to a halt and I hadn't yet added my hops. When I come to do so I took a reading which showed I'd gone from around 1052 - 1004, I...
  6. I

    1 week into first Cyser, Panicked, is it salvageable?

    Hello! So exactly a week ago I started my first ever homebrew. I bought two gallon jugs of apple cider from Whole Foods, and left one as is, and the other poured 1.5 lbs of honey into. Then I added 1tsp of Yeast Nutrient (Urea and Diammonium Phosphate) and 1/2 tsp of pectic enzyme to each jug...
  7. M

    Don't do what I did (or rather, do what I didn't do)

    I'm relatively new to kegging but so far it has been a really positive experience. For hoppy beers the ability to dry hop in the keg and dial in the carbonation and not worry about additional esters or flavors from the secondary fermentation has really improved my brewing. My beers are...
  8. tofumanchu

    In Defense of the Humble Keezer Collar

    After a hiatus of about 20 years, I decided to get back into homebrewing. I had a great time reminiscing about past brew days while pulling out the old gear. It was about then that I looked at the bottling bucket, capper, and cases of bottles and immediately remembered one of the reasons I...
  9. W

    Solids suspended in top of carboy

    In order to up the sugar content of a new batch of cider, I pasteurized a hone/water mix. After letting this cool to the point where I could dip a (sanitized) finger in it without scalding myself, poured the mixture into the remaining head space in my carboy. Now there seems to be a haze of...