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  1. brewdon

    Not sure what’s going on here - KVEIK

    This is my second batch using lallemand Voss Kveik, this time in a Simcoe Smash brew, mashed at 152°, pitched at around 75° and fermented ranging between 74° and 78° Not sure what this dense white stuff growing as Krausen is. Just a more vigorous fermentation aftermath? I did lose a bit to the...
  2. Denis2121

    Racking to secondary with krausen

    Hey everyone ! I made my 6th batch last weekend. I ferment in a plastic bucket. Usually I go for around 2-3 weeks. This time I decided ill go to secondary after 10 days for further 10 days and then cold crash. I did this just for the sake to have less yeast at bottom of secondary when going to...
  3. walthenf10

    No Coldbreak, Krausen, or Head

    Hey all, long time lurker, first time poster. I've been brewing for a few years. 32 batches in and I've done all of them BIAB since about batch #5. With my process I've always had vigorous cold break and lots of krausen on every kind of beer. I also "shake up" my gravity samples to get the...
  4. M

    Krausen or not krausen

    Hi all - brewing my first amber IPA here. Actually first anything. I left the yeast for ages before I used it and the ferment took a full 48 hours to activate in the carboy, seeing a little CO2 activity every 20 seconds or so in the airlock. I have a question on the yeast build-up at the top...
  5. B

    Beer fermentation slowing down half way

    I don’t know what to do as this has never happened to me. I’m fermenting a doppelbock (started 2/8/21) OG 1.080 and target 1.021. I did a two packet yeast starter with Servomyces pills. The graph above I made shows it’s slowing down way to fast. It’s about 50 seconds between bubbles. It’s at...
  6. T

    Safale S04 Krausen

    I have a batch of about 5.5 gallons Mott's juice with S04. It's been in primary for two weeks now, and the Krausen on top has not subsided at all. I'm used to using champagne yeasts, so ale yeast is a bit of a new experience for me. About when might I expect it to subside? I'm worried about...
  7. M

    First Batch Questions!

    So I'm very excited to start the brewing journey! I bought a kit and a few weeks ago started making my first batch using the recipe that came with the kit (Fresh Squished IPA Extract Beer Recipe Kit). It has been fermenting for 13 days now, and their suggestion is to bottle on day 14. However...
  8. BryggAnton

    Little/no krausen in my fermenter

    Hey folks! I'm brewing a 4,5% ABV IPA with pretty much hops in it. Most added at flame out. I'm starting to wonder if I messed up somewhere since there are no krausen on top in my fermenter. I pitched the yeast 5 days ago, day 3 it looked like it was fermenting quite vigorously. At day 4 it...
  9. M

    FG reached/huge Krausen

    Hi all first time poster here! I recently purchased a grainfather and carried out my first ever brewing experience, I sanitised like crazy followed all the rules and have the beer/wort sat in a plastic fermenting bucket in the fridge sat at 19.5c, it’s a Belgian Dubbel and the recipe calls for...
  10. J

    Nervous Newbie... NE IPA and hop burn

    Hello Everyone... about 8 days ago I cooked up a batch of NE IPA. The entire process went off without a hitch following the recipe. I did make 1 error in dry-hopping. Instead of waiting until signs of active fermentation I dropped the first batch of hops into the barrel at the same time I...
  11. B

    Spongey Layer on top of Cider? (krausen?)

    Hello! Sort of in a panic situation, as I am pretty new to homebrewing, and tried my first cider with puree in it. I put in about 4 gallons of store-purchased cider, and added about 3lbs of blueberry puree, with LALVIN EC-1118 as yeast, as well as basic nutrient added in at the beginning...
  12. frankvw

    Krausen gone after syrup addition

    I'm brewing a Belgian Tripel using WLP540, and this time I'm trying a staggered fermentation in hopes that it will keep the esters down a little and make for a more controlled fermentation. I started with the all-grain portion of the wort (OG 1.060) to which I planned to add 1 lb. of Lyle's...
  13. A

    Yeast starter for a barleywine

    So I made a few litres of sweet wort the other day and froze it.. og 1.042 with the intent to boil, cool, and pitch for a starter as needed. I will be using white labs super high gravity for the starter for a barleywine and was curious of the best approach. Now my preference is to not pitch all...
  14. snarf7

    Fermentation done but lots of yeast still on top?

    This is an 5 gal IPA recipe with US-05. I took a hydrometer reading last night and it's exactly where it should be so I think it's done (been 2 weeks) but there's a lot of yeast floating on top. This is a hoppy IPA so I want to get it kegged and conditioning so it will mellow a bit and be ready...
  15. Thehopman

    Fermenter size

    Hey everyone, I am actually brewing on a 5 gallons system, and ready to upgrade for bigger batches. I'm gonna get a 15 gallons kettle and mash tun (15.9 real capacity), but I'm not so sure on the fermenter size I should get, as I am actually brewing mostly hazy IPAs, but also plan on brewing...
  16. NYShooterGuy

    S-05 Krausen still present?!

    5 gallon Milk stout made on 10/24/2018. Lagered in garage with temps ranging from 54-42°F for 3 weeks. Moved to inside home with temps ranging from 60-67°F (I like my home cool) about 10 days ago. Went to bottle today, and found Krausen still afloat. OG: 1.055. Today's SG: 1.018. Obviously I...
  17. DeutschMann96

    Time to repitch?

    Long story short I ordered yeast (WLP029) from Homebrew Supply, and FedEx took the scenic route to get here. After 5 days I got my yeast. The cold pack, and vial were very warm. But I decided to give it a shot anyway. Made a starter, pitched it in, here we are three, and a half days later...
  18. bafinaire

    Is My Beer Ready For Secondary Fermentation?

    Hello everyone! I’m on my first attempt at brewing using the Northern Brewer deluxe starter kit (block party amber ale). One week ago put my wort with yeast in a dark closet that has an average temperature around 70 degrees. I never noticed activity in my airlock but I think that is due to an...
  19. Washington_Brewologist

    Yeast starter seems to have finished the fermentation way quicker than anticipated...

    So I'm new to using yeast starters and I pitched my first one into an Irish Red that I brewed on Monday 7/2. I was pleasantly surprised to see how vigorous the fermentation was @ 7 hours into it and by 20 there was about a 4-inch krausen. Now on day 4, there is barely any activity coming from...
  20. Schwabizzle

    Fermentation Blow Up

    Okay, so this is the first time this has happened to me, so I wanted to see what ya'll think. I brewed a honey wheat yesterday and placed it in the brew closet to start fermenting. Fermentation started quickly, and before I went to bed everything was chugging along nicely. I woke up this...