
Homebrew Talk

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  1. Sammy86

    Is it just me or are bottled conditioned Homebrew better than kegged?

    I've recently started making 12 gallon split batches and bottling a 6 pack of each to save. I've noticed all anecdotally of course that I'm enjoying the bottle conditioned beers more. I feel the flavor is deeper and richer, the aroma is more prominent and I'm really enjoying them more than off...
  2. J

    CO2 Leak?

    Hey all, New to the forums here. I'm two 5 gallon batches into moving to a kegging set up. Not even through the second batch I realized I'm already out of CO2. From the CO2 swap place I go to - apparently one of the canisters should last 5 or more 5 gallon batches. So, I'm trying to find the...