keg reusing

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  1. S

    5 Liter Kegs

    The 5 liter kegs can be obtained in one of two ways You can order new kegs with no graphics online fora price of $10 - $12 a keg plus shipping (keg on left), or if you can buy the kegs with beer in them at a cost of $20 to $22, drink the beer, and then wash and reuse the kegs (keg on right). Do...
  2. S

    5 Liter Kegs

    The 5 liter kegs can be obtained in one of two ways You can order new kegs with no graphics online fora price of $10 - $12 a keg plus shipping (keg on left), or if you can buy the kegs with beer in them at a cost of $20 to $22, drink the beer, and then wash and reuse the kegs (keg on right). Do...