
Homebrew Talk

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  1. Asator

    Next Step In Continued Improvement

    Hello, I'm a relatively new brewer, six 5-gallon extract brews under my belt. I feel like I'm steadily improving with each batch. I've come a long way from my first batch, a pale ale that ended up getting dumped, that was brewed on an electric stove in a 3 gallon stockpot. I now have an...
  2. M

    Fixing / Improving a weak batch to a GREAT batch - aka Beer Rescue

    DON'T THROW OUT THAT WEAK BEER!!!! RE-BREW IT! I had fantastic results using this method. I think variations of this method it could work with almost any style, whether all-grain or extract, as long as you use an alcohol-tolerant yeast. I organize group extract brewings in garages, up to 5 or...