hop tea

Homebrew Talk

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  1. nay3oni

    No boil ale, bittering hops

    Long story short, I won't be able to boil 5+ gal of water/wort with my stove for a while. So, I was wondering if I were to brew a raw ale and want to add some IBUs, what will be the best way? I've read some people will usually do first wort hopping or mash hopping, and while this is a viable...
  2. DanInSydney

    When & how to hop?

    I’m new to brewing and have just finished my first batch of Original Bitter, which turned out a treat! Next up is a Newcy Brown Ale, using liquid extract again. I want to try hopping this time and have some fuggles: 1. Should I dry hop or make a hop tea? 2. When should I add the hops? Thanks! Dan
  3. Schlenkerla

    LOB Alternative To Dry Hopping: Making A Hop Tea or DIY Hop Extract.

    I have thought about this for awhile. -Today I posted this in few places but I think this this is worth a separate thread. - Anyhow, I recall reading an article in BYO about using a French Coffee Press for adding hop flavor. I can't find the old BYO article... Here's other sources...
  4. snarf7

    Hop Tea - optimal temperature?

    I love dry hopping but I hate a lot of the crap that goes along with it. Some folks I've chatted with have had success steeping a hop tea and then adding to the secondary or keg when racking. Anyone use this technique regularly? What temperature do you target? I know for whirlpool I typically...
  5. Ouroboros

    Boost Bitterness with Hop Tea?

    I've been browsing the forums a lot, and I noticed a few threads dealing with poor hop utilization in wort with a high starting gravity. I'm did a partial wort boil (boil gravity - 1.152) for an IPA and project my IBU's to be about 35. I'm a hop fiend, so I was going to dry hop when I racked...