hop extract

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  1. Schlenkerla

    LOB Alternative To Dry Hopping: Making A Hop Tea or DIY Hop Extract.

    I have thought about this for awhile. -Today I posted this in few places but I think this this is worth a separate thread. - Anyhow, I recall reading an article in BYO about using a French Coffee Press for adding hop flavor. I can't find the old BYO article... Here's other sources...
  2. TandemTails

    Beersmith 2 and Yakima Valley Hops 3ml hop extract

    I have a 3mL shot of hop extract from Yakima Valley Hops: https://www.yakimavalleyhops.com/Hop_Extract_3mL_Hop_Shot_p/extracthopshot3ml.htm I added all of the info to beersmith and want to make sure it's properly calculating the IBUs. According to the link above, "One-milliliter yields around...