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  1. H

    Help regarding hop residue for NEPIA style (Taste like hop tea)

    Hello! I have brewed maybe 20 batches total but recently gotting into the hop heavy NEIPA style. My first try was a 12 litres batch where i used 320g hops (dry hop included), only 50g at flameout and rest below 70C. I double dryhopped, half at high krausen for bio transformation and rest for 3...
  2. S

    Oktoberfest lagering time question

    So I brewed my third lager back in June, an Oktoberfest/Marzen that I wanted to consume in an effort to ring in the fall. My previous lagering experiences have been mixed. My first was a Dunkel that started out a bit harsh, but after 8 weeks of lagering started to really come into its own...