
Homebrew Talk

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  1. ghast

    Coffee Blonde Ale recipe... thoughts?

    I was thinking on making a coffee ale and this is what I came up with... Boil: 7gal Batch: 5gal Mash: 8lbs 2-row malt 4lbs Pale ale 2lbs Crystal 40L Hops: 0.5oz Chinook @60 (I dont want it too bitter) 0.5oz Chinook @10 1oz Crystal @Whirlpool +1 whirlfloc Then dry hop 2oz of crystal in the...
  2. mr_stout

    Golden Pale Ale Braggot

    ` ` Easy Extract 5 Gallon Recipe. This 5 gallon recipe is more Pale Ale than Braggot so I put it in the Ale recipe section. 6.6 lbs Light DME 4 lbs honey (Use a light honey or the beer will no longer look golden) 1 lb Caramel 40 malt 10 oz Victory malt juice of three lemons (in primary) 1/2...
  3. fredthecat

    my Belgian Golden Recipe

    Does this sound about right? this will be my second all grain batch, and i'm aiming for something simple in the form of a golden beer for summer. i would add aromatic (also no biscuit malt) but i cant get it around here and was trying to figure out if i should substitute 1lb of the pilsener malt...