
Homebrew Talk

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  1. BruJay

    Multiple Yeast Strains

    Soooo, I accidentally mixed ~150-200 billion cells of US-05 with a recently completed 2 L starter of ~390 billion cells of Wyeast 1056. One of those, "herpa derp, just doing routine stuff" when I grabbed the wrong mason jar. I'm brewing a rye beer with my FIL this Sunday. At this point, I...
  2. DrinkinSurfer

    My name is Chase, and I am a homebrewer.

    Well I am a new homebrewer anyway. Right now I am brewing out of Honolulu, HI for the next few months until I move back to CA. I have my first batch in the primary and thank all of you for have already asking and answering all of my questions for me. This forum is a great resource. My first...