extract flavoring

Homebrew Talk

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  1. Todd Terczynski

    Adding flavoring to beer batch (making extract)

    I just made a winter ale that was suppose to have a vanilla and anise flavor. Made my own extract with beans and stars in a pint of cognac but came up way light on flavor of vanilla and anise. To get a decent flavor in a 5 gal batch, how many beans would be needed to get a subtle vanilla...
  2. T

    First Adjunct Brew Watery Before Conditioning.

    Hi everyone, I just bottled my first ever brew with fruit additions in the form of lemon peel in the boil and frozen blueberries in the fermenter. It was a 5 gallon basic IPA extract kit, I boiled for 60 minutes with the lemon peel, fermented for about 9 days, then added about 3 lbs of...
  3. Garr-Ro

    AHS's Strawberry Extract Flavoring ....Anyone have any input?

    I have a blonde ale in the primary and was curious if anyone has used AHS's strawberry extract flavoring prior to kegging? Wanting a fruity beer for all to enjoy on the party barge over the upcoming holiday weekend. Thanks in advance for any & all comments / suggestions.:mug: Link...