
Homebrew Talk

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  1. C

    Quarterpint British Beer Engine

    Not sure what prompted it but last fall I became absolutely bitten by the bug to have a true pull of British ale. For years ESB has been a regular in my line up, and a favorite of those who found their way to my basement pub. I found several articles here on Homebrew Talk that built on the 2006...
  2. C

    Quarterpint British Beer Engine

    Not sure what prompted it but last fall I became absolutely bitten by the bug to have a true pull of British ale. For years ESB has been a regular in my line up, and a favorite of those who found their way to my basement pub. I found several articles here on Homebrew Talk that built on the 2006...
  3. S

    Maryland Beer Engine (Hand Pump, Pull)

    I am selling a beer pump made by Hi-Gene co in England. Asking $375.00. I am located in Frederick MD, would prefer not to ship.