
Homebrew Talk

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  1. R

    Homemade label - thoughts?

    Curious to get everyone's feedback - don't hold back. There's one subtle aspect to it and I'm wondering if it'll get noticed.
  2. M

    Getting Creative: 8 Steps to Designing a Unique Brew

    In my evolution as a brewer, the most difficult thing for me to learn has been how to design a solid recipe. It is an ongoing process and probably will be for the rest of my life. The struggle came from a desire to create brews that I could truly call my own, while not really having enough...
  3. M

    5 Do's And Don'ts For A New Brewer

    1. Do: Sanitize Everything Ok perhaps that's an exaggeration ( Sanitization is one of the most crucial parts of brewing a healthy beer. At best, an infection will cause some "interesting" sour flavors, and at...
  4. D

    What's In A Name?

    Many of us first felt the call to homebrew after tasting a great hand-crafted ale or lager at a local brewery or brewpub. That magical sip bursting with flavor, the aroma wafting up from the head, the intricate lacing left in the glass. There really is nothing like the moment you realize that...
  5. M

    Homebrewers Toolkit Review

    Homebrewer's Toolkit Review Homebrewer's Toolkit: OS Windows 8.1 (available on the Windows Store) Cost - $9.99 (full featured demo available) I was excited to see a new brewing program, Homebrewers Toolkit, written for Windows 8 and especially one that synchronizes with OneDrive and that has a...
  6. C

    Tower Ideas

    I'm making a trash can kegerator for a family reunion. (Something like this: My wife isn't a fan of the iron pipe/industrial look, and I'm looking for something more original than the standard stainless steel tower from the LHBS. I'm open to any ideas y'all might have. Something DIY is more...
  7. mvestel

    Ultimate Conical Fermenter design

    Hi, We have a home brew setup and want to improve the fermenter. We currently brew about 22 gallons, but hope to increase that to about 35gal soon. Or we will make two worts and transfer both to one fermenter. My goal is to build an ultimate fermenter. I’m looking for designs I...
  8. THRobinson

    Hello from London, Ontario (Canada)

    First off... Arg! Wrote an intro already, hit submit and got a page cannot be displayed message, hit back and the form is blank. :drunk: Anyway, I'm Thomas, up here in the Great White North (Canada) looking out my window at about 5" of snow. I'm a recent graduate of Graphic Design, having...