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  1. dPresc

    Waited a whole 24 hours to pitch yeast

    I did a double brew the other day and didn't really have time to pitch the wort until today. I went to do it tonight but it seemed to have pressure inside the 5 gal buckets, everything smelt normal and looked normal but it had me worried if some contamination happened. I really don't want a...
  2. D

    Extract Brewing high original specific gravity

    Hi all, I’ve tried all grain brewing a few times now and had poor success due to mould(think cleaning issues) so I’ve tried an extract home brew with the hope there’s less variables that can go wrong. I’ve added 1kg of Demerara sugar instead of dextrose. I measured the original specific...
  3. B

    Is my mead okay

    I just started fermenting my first batch of mead. I am using a gallon carboy with a rubber stopper and airlock I found off Amazon. In my impatience I went to check on the fermentation process and noticed that the stopper had backed out of the bottle somewhat and I think it was exposed to air...
  4. flambix

    Contamination or yeast pooh

    Hello Everyone ! We did few batches before, but I’ve never seen this. Do you think it’s contaminated or is it just normal yeast reaction ? Thanks everyone for your answers ! :) Flambix Edit : I forgot to say that it doesn’t smell bad, just regular beer smells
  5. E

    Possible contamination after racking

    Hi all, This is my first time brewing anything. I started off making a hard cider from my parents’ Apple tree. I bought a apple crusher/presser and got about 4 gallons of juice. I added this to my 5 gallon carboy plus 4 campden tablets, and let it sit 4 days. I added one more gallon of...
  6. Garrett_McT

    Poor Cleaning Plan for Stainless Steel Kettles

    Before people beat me over the head, I know I am an idiot. So I let my two 7 gal stainless steel kettles with double ports, two bazooka screens, and a hop spider sit half rinsed for a week covered with lids. Mostly due to laziness, then getting sick and postponing. I was wondering if anyone...
  7. D

    Forrest fruit cider. Help!

    Hi. Been making cider for a year now and haven't had any trouble in the past until now. I decided to make a fruit cider using a bag of dark Forrest fruits. The cider worked well and even tasted really good when I came to bottle it. How ever 3 days later I noticed alot of stringy stuff throughout...
  8. H

    Possible infection?

    Hi there i brewed a lager 2 days ago, chilled it overnight (didn’t have time to cool it immediately). I pitched yesterday around mid day and I’m not sure but I might have an infected fermentation, can somebody see if that might be the case? Never had an infection before so I’m pretty worried...
  9. khumbu76

    Sorry, it's another 'Is my beer contaminated thread!'

    Hi everybody. I just ran into a pretty unique situation while kegging some hard cider today and after digging through the forum and some google searches, couldn't quite find an answer to this one. I noticed 2 small floating mold-like objects floating at the top of my hard cider. Each were...
  10. M

    Need help identifying surface material

    Can anyone help me identify this material that has appeared on the surface of my wine? It seems very crystalline in structure and has slowly increased in presence over the past week or so. Background information: Wine is Pinot Gris made from grapes harvested at an experimental vineyard...
  11. Trey Ark

    Mouse Poo and Apples...

    Hey Everyone, I've been busy with multiple brews, college, and work. I left some of my favorite apples in the garage, meaning to use them the next day but life happened and they've sat out there. I've thrown out the rotting ones and found some mouse poop in one of my boxes. I have another box...
  12. DrGarbonzo

    Infection pics!

    Hey, just posting some cool/ nasty photos of a recent infection in a witbier I brewed about 6 weeks ago. While I really wanted to just put it in the basement for 6 months and see, I tasted it on two separate occasions and it was pretty awful, and then the large amount of top layer growth...
  13. D

    What to do with a contaminated beer?

    I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum. But we are still fairly new to brewing. We have done maybe half a dozen to a dozen bought worts with no problem until this one. We got super busy and went away on a trip and didn't move it from the primary to the secondary. I browsed briefly and got...
  14. BilbomelBaggins

    Cause for concern?

    47F1E784-B3BE-4037-AE14-5CA8EDBB01AC by BilbomelBaggins posted May 20, 2019 at 3:45 PM Is it just yeast? This was racked into this 1-gal carboy about a week ago. My first batch so wasn’t sure if this is normal. Full disclosure: as it is my first batch, I misunderstood the use of campden...
  15. lorne17

    Best way to add 4oz ground Hazelnut coffee to Brown Ale without contamination?

    Hello all, I have 5 gallons of a Brown that is in the primary and ready to switch to secondary. However, I plan to add some hazelnut coffee to it. The catch is, it is already ground and it is only 4oz of ground coffee. How do you recommend I add this to secondary without risking...
  16. I

    1 week into first Cyser, Panicked, is it salvageable?

    Hello! So exactly a week ago I started my first ever homebrew. I bought two gallon jugs of apple cider from Whole Foods, and left one as is, and the other poured 1.5 lbs of honey into. Then I added 1tsp of Yeast Nutrient (Urea and Diammonium Phosphate) and 1/2 tsp of pectic enzyme to each jug...
  17. Cameron Engelbrecht

    Storing Dry Yeast

    Hello! I am very new to home brewing. I recently bought dry yeast from northern brewer that is designed to be pitched in a five gallon batch. However, I am only brewing 1 gallon batches at the moment. Is there a way I can store the unused yeast after I open the package without contaminating it...
  18. meylo

    Ash in the Wort

    I was wrapping up the brew day, and cooling my wort with the chiller. Each time I use my brew kettle, along with my gas burner, the exterior of the kettle creates a layer of char/ash. It's never been a problem, I just rinse it off, some stays, no biggie. So I stood there letting my chilled wort...
  19. Iowa Brewer

    Tap Water Contamination(?)

    Bah! Just got my wort neatly cooled, was adding another round of water to the ice water, and the ruddy kettle hovered over (on some ice?) and went very briefly under the running tap. I'm using the tap water for the brew, so more concerned with adding contaminants. I have two questions: 1...
  20. S

    How to properly added pumpkin pie spice

    I’m brewing a pumpkin beer and plan on adding some pumpkin pie spice during secondary fermentation. I’ve never added a spice or anything other than sealed packages of hops directly to the carboys during fermentation. Is there anything I need to do to the actual spice to prevent contamination or...