
Homebrew Talk

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  1. BarleyBeaver[BANNED]

    Jockey Boxes for Canuck Summer!

    Cheers from Canuck Homebrew Supply! It's getting hot out(For Canada), so we've upgraded our Kegerator Setups, and now we've re-done our Jockey Boxes as well! We've changed our tubing from Polyethylene Beer Line(the stiff, irritating tubing) to Bevlex 200 Thick Wall Beverage Line, my...
  2. bigbeergeek

    Fruit beer experiment: Adding strawberries to chilled beer to avoid dryness

    I've never added fresh fruit to a brew before. Tomorrow I'm going to add 10 lbs of strawberries to my 2ndary, and I'm curious: has anyone ever tried chilling the secondary to 40*F, then pitching the fruit? I'm going to keg this after 10 days, and I don't want to restart fermentation and...