
Homebrew Talk

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  1. L

    New York Free - Long Neck Bottles For Home Brew - Fort Drum/Watertown, NY

    If there is anyone in the Fort Drum/Watertown NY area looking for beer bottles I have a case looking for a new home. Not looking to sell just RE-home. If interested, please send me a conversation [EDIT: Phone Number removed for privacy reasons --Mod]
  2. S

    Budweiser “Bar Bottles”

    When I started home brewing in the 80’s, Budweiser “Bar Bottle” were popular for bottling. They came in a handy toteable heavy cardboard box and the returnable bottles were more heavy-duty than the disposable bottles. I eventually graduated to kegging my brews but still have several cases of the...
  3. MarkP

    California Miscellaneous Items

    All items in Lake Forest California Pretty much everything you need to start homebrewing or expand your operation. Everything must go! My brother and I are trying to clear out brew gear we don't use any longer. We’re selling pieces or bulk, whatever you need. We are not a beer business—this...
  4. schilsner

    Adding CBC-1 yeast to flat, bottled beer ?

    Hi I'm posting this thread because I have done a significant amount of reading about this general idea on other threads, and about CBC-1, and my hope is to get some more detailed recommendations/advice/experiential anecdotes about adding yeast to flat bottles. Specifically CBC-1 quick...
  5. B

    Easiest commercial label removal

    I've always hated saving commercial pop top bottles because I didn't like removing the labels. But, I tried some Maisels Weisse and liked their slightly slimmer bottles (11.2 FL. OZ.) so I decided I'd save them and try to remove the labels. I put them in the sink with the hottest water my sink...
  6. T

    Simplifying Your Bottling Day

    Bottling day brings you even closer to your brewing goal of having your very own handcrafted beer to enjoy and share. Bottling can either be a pain or painless. Learning through the pain process I have a few ideas to share so your brewing day experience will be something to enjoy. What you will...
  7. I

    Accidentally added leftover yeast when bottling

    Hi, new brewer here. I am making a 4% coopers lager and when it came to bottling I noticed a light yellowish sort of colour (which smells pretty bad) when I reached the tap of my fermenting vessel (which I'm assuming is all the leftover yeast. Which people tend to throw out or to re-use). I...
  8. M

    Cork Guinness Draught bottles?

    Probably been covered on another thread, but are the Guinness Draught bottles okay to cork mead in?
  9. L

    Free bottles - Philly

    Haven't bottled in years since I started kegging. Cleaning out my basement in preparation to move and have several cases of bottles: Four cases of 12oz bottles (96 bottles total) Three cases of 22oz and 750ml bottles (36 bottles total) All are brown glass and are clean with no labels. If...
  10. K

    Tennessee Free Bottles

    I recently switched to kegging so I have quite a few bottles I would like to give away. I live in the Nashville area is anyone is interested.
  11. HeadyG

    Where to buy Samuel Smith-style 12 oz bottles?

    I've got an imperial chocolate stout in my fermenter and I'd love to bottle it in style. I'm really enamored with the distinctive shape of Samuel Smith's 355 ML bottles, and I'm wondering if it's possible to buy similar bottles anywhere. Of course I'm saving all the ones I drink but it's taking...
  12. vikslen

    Bottle boxes

    I'm pretty sure we all deal with the fact that the cardboard boxes our bottles come in fall apart sooner than the bottles that come in them. Is there a stackable, durable, presumably plastic or wooden, product for holding bottles while keeping them from hitting each other? Or what is your hack...
  13. R

    Brewing Equipment for Sale; Cheap

    I'm downsizing and want to pass on some older brewing equipment to someone who needs it in Utah. Please check out my classified ad: I'd reduce the price even more for a quick sale.
  14. J

    Rusted bottle capper

    Hi! From my last brew/bottling day I used Oxiclean to clean all my brewing equipment instead of PBW. This weekend I intend to bottle the batch that is fermenting right now, and while I was making sure I had everything ok, i noticed my bottle caper got rusted. Do you guys recommend using it...
  15. MaxStout

    Grolsch-type swing-top bottles

    WTB some swing-tops, as I plan to brew a Belgian strong and need bottles that will withstand more than 3.0 volumes of carbonation. Need about 50 or so, but if you have more than that and the price is right I'll take them off your hands. Local Twin Cities area, will pick up.
  16. T

    Virginia Free bottles

    I have one case of 12 oz bottles never used and 11 assorted big bottles, most are 22 oz. Arlington, VA Cheers.
  17. Beersiden

    I NEED 12 oz boston round glass bottles

    I have been searching everywhere for them and only need 2 or so cases but i can not find them and the few places who i have found to have them want to sell me hundreds if not thousands of bottles. If anyone has information on this it would be much appreciated. I live in the lower 48 of the USA.
  18. Neoreaver

    Bottling these gals tomorrow!

    Hey everyone! I managed to get a few days off in a row, and a couple of my melomels are ready to bottle (I'm basing this on clarity and flavor). I thought I'd throw them in 750ml punted clear bottles, but they're fairly hefty, and warm one's insides. I can't imagine going through that much...
  19. U.P Michigan

    Pre-Prohibition Bottles from Michigan's Upper Penninsula

    I have a few collectable bottles for sale, all or most are from different breweries in Menominee Michigan, take a look at the pictures for more information, I do have 5 more I will be adding also...$100.00 plus Shipping unless your in the area? thanks
  20. C

    Pennsylvania Moving Sale + Freebies. Antique Jockey Boxes, SS NEMA enclosure, burners, controls and more

    Hey All, Moving and lots has to go. Small antique Jockey box = $75 obo Large antique Jockey Box = $100 obo Large Stainless steel NEMA box enclosure = $100 obo Box of Love controls with probes = $50 Box of asco valves = $25 2x 23 burner, jet burners = $25 each 1x 23 jet burner with 1 jet broken...