bottle caps

Homebrew Talk

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  1. Architect-Dave

    Bottle Cap Size

    Trivial…but, have to ask…and if it is a potential issue. I have made about 6 batches of beer so far. I have been bottling in 12-oz bottles, 16-oz. Swing top Grolsch bottles and 20-oz. Swing top bottles. I love the swing tops very much (those are the ones I do not give away). The 12-oz. Bottles I...
  2. 43North

    Screw on beer caps?

    Can a Homebrewer use screw on caps? We can all get “screw lid” bottles for free.
  3. Dom Lausic

    Bottle Caps

    Happy New Year All! Looking for a great supplier of bottle caps.... Both custom and regular. My current home brew shop only has a few colours in stock, and I'm starting to have multiple batches with the same caps. So looking for some variety!! Would love to know where everyone else is...
  4. M

    Check It Out: Kegerator Rebuild & Upgrade

    So, I built this guy in college and have had it for about 8 years. Time for a revamp and some upgrades. Would be open to any constructive ideas, guidance, and help! Features: Housed in a mini-fridge cabinet found at a warehouse selling old hotel furniture. Constructed an Irish Coffin tower...