beer math

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  1. Barfield

    Question about Formula Quoted in Greg Noonan's "New Brewing Lager Beer" Book

    On page 12 of Greg's book, there's a familiar and frequently requoted formula for as-is, coarse grind yield. The formula is also reposted by Stan Hieronymus at ProBrewer here. My question is: what is the magic number "0.002"? It's not discussed in the text. Assuming a typical malt from Crisp...
  2. B

    Beer Math with Brett Shegogue

    As I mentioned in my Recipe Setup article, it is nice to utilize brewing software so you don't have to make complex calculations. While this is true, some of us would like to know the formulas behind those calculations. Knowledge of your formulas is useful for making adjustments on-the-fly, or...