batch sparging

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  1. M

    Take the guessing out of efficiency Part 3

    As I explained in the first article, efficiency is defined as the amount of extract present in the wort divided by the total possible amount of extract. This can be divided into different kinds of efficiencies that can be calculated such as conversion, lautering and brewhouse efficiency. Here is...
  2. M

    Take the guessing out of efficiency Part 2

    Note: This is the second article in a series of 3. The link to the first one is here In this article, I will explain how to calculate extract content of wort and sparging volumes. Conversion efficiency, as previously...
  3. M

    Take the guessing out of efficiency

    When creating all-grain recipes, whatever program you use will ask to input an efficiency to calculate the OG of the beer. But what value do you enter? In BYO, they use a nominal extract efficiency of 65%. In general people are told that with experience and good brewing practices you should...
  4. M

    Take the guessing out of efficiency Part 3

    As I explained in the first article, efficiency is defined as the amount of extract present in the wort divided by the total possible amount of extract. This can be divided into different kinds of efficiencies that can be calculated such as conversion, lautering and brewhouse efficiency. Here is...
  5. M

    Take the guessing out of efficiency Part 2

    Note: This is the second article in a series of 3. The link to the first one is here In this article, I will explain how to calculate extract content of wort and sparging volumes. Conversion efficiency, as previously...
  6. M

    Take the guessing out of efficiency

    When creating all-grain recipes, whatever program you use will ask to input an efficiency to calculate the OG of the beer. But what value do you enter? In BYO, they use a nominal extract efficiency of 65%. In general people are told that with experience and good brewing practices you should...
  7. R

    Batch Sparging. What's your efficiency?

    I have been brewing for a few years and now really trying to be as efficient and consistent in my brewing as possible. With that said, I do batch sparging by rinsing the grains once, and during the mash have my water way above my grain bed (I am now aware that I only want my water to be a couple...