
Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. E

    Weird topic for ya - Digital Monitoring

    I am sure this is nothing new with the folks that frequent here... I have experimented around with Arduino in the past quite a bit. Anyone ever build a fermentation monitor using one (Or Pi)? They have O2 sensors, CO2 sensors, and ethanol sensors. Add that to a graphical display, and you could...
  2. muhteeus

    muh's Fermentrack\BrewPi Remix Build

    Decided to convert the old fermentation deep freeze from STC-1000 to a IoT web enabled thing. I am using the BrewPi Remix firmware for the arduino and Fermentrack on the front-end for the pi. Most of the parts were leftovers from an old project, but I will still link what I used. Parts: 1 -...
  3. muhteeus

    muh's BruControl Build

    So, I started a PLC build way back when ('11-'12). The project fizzled out due to money, kids, life, etc... In the mean time, I worked several automated builds surrounding Raspberry Pi, Python, and QT5. reef-pi and a homebrew saltwater mixing station for Aquarium use (or RODI brew water). I...
  4. F

    ArdBir doubt

    Hi guys, i'm doing an ArdBir project, and it's all done, but when it comes to show the messages on the LCD, I can't see all the stuff that it was supposed to show. Anyone had this problem while doing it? I already changed the Arduino code to 20x4 LCD, but it looks like a bug or something.
  5. L

    Arduino Bluetooth eBIAB controller with Windows 10 App

    Hey Folks, I thought I'd share this with everyone as I think it would be useful to others out there that like to tinker. I had posted a long time ago about my eBIAB setup here: I have gone a few...
  6. Wolfenator

    New York BrewPi, Heater & Fridge (Arduino based) Saratoga Springs, NY

    Built a DIY Glycol chiller and no longer require my BrewPi or supporting fermentation chamber parts. BrewPi will keep your fermentation temperature in a tolerance of a tenth of a degree. You can also set it and forget it. Pre-program your entire fermentation! This is an excellent way to...
  7. ClearedHot

    Temp Control via Z-Wave

    Looking for a way to simplify the BrewPiLess / Tilt builds and use my smart home outlets to actually control power to the pump in my water bath. My preferred setup would looks something like this: Tilt Hydrometer <> BLE <> RPi <> ZWave <> HUB <> Outlet > Pump Brewfather or Fermentrack would...
  8. ClearedHot

    What's next for SW-controlled Brewing/Fermentation?

    Long-time lurker first-time poster, with a burning question for my fellow brew geeks: Is it time to collectively re-think our approach to software in the Brewery? I can hear the responses already "What a ridiculously vague question!" "What the hell are you on about?" "Can you help me get my...
  9. shayes2791

    Electric/Automated Brewery Dilemma

    Hi All, I have been scouring this forum as well as others trying to figure out what I want for a brewery. Many here have been through many iterations of their breweries. I want to avoid that for the most part as I tend to do that with every hobby (and started to do with this) and my wife gets...
  10. WilderBill

    New 27 Gal MoreBeer Conical & Arduino Based Temp Controller

    Greetings folks, I have not posted on any brewing forums for years and years but I’ve got a new project that I figure some people may be interested in. Background: I bought two MoreBeer 12 gal fermenters back in 2008. I then made an AC unit glycol chiller for them based on “Backyard...
  11. Lmiller1708

    Avantco IC3500 Induction Burner Hacked by an Arduino

    I have been able to get the Avantco IC3500 Induction Burner working with an Arduino using a PID loop! Let me first give credit to the folks over at Openschemes for initiating this hack: Without them I wouldn’t...
  12. B

    Boil Control for Electric Brewing

    I just switched my homebrew setup from propane to electric (5500 W element in BK and HLT). I previously used an Arduino to control the propane burners for my HLT and BK (combo of 5V relays, 120:24V furnace TX, and furnace gas valve) I am reusing the Arduino because it will keep most of my...
  13. lbispo

    μnctrol = MICROntrol - Easy affordable Wifi temp controller.

    Hi there, I've been following this forum for a while and I'd like to have your inputs and feedback as I'm considering the idea of launching an easy to use and affordable temperature/humidity/4-20mA controller with Wifi logging and cloud capabilities at an affordable price. DSC00054 by lbispo...