
Homebrew Talk

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  1. M

    Using chilli in mead

    Hey everyone, I've new to mead making - got one batch in primary at the moment but I already want to start on a second one. This time I want to try adding some chilli heat without too much of the veggie flavour coming through, so I have a few questions regarding this. 1. Is there any...
  2. Deadly-Ink

    Step feeding must vs oxygen "pollution"

    I’ve got a question I’m hoping can get answered by the wealth of knowledge stored here. I’ve started my first larger batch and I’m afraid I may have made a mistake. My first attempt was a single gallon, well over a year ago, that was about as basic as it gets and tasted harsh. Since that time I...
  3. J

    Mineral loss from mash to kettle? Mash and kettle additions?

    Hey all, I have some questions and concerns about my water chemistry and/or water treatment process, and I haven't been able to find any solid answers via search. Anyway... I currently treat my relatively soft, relatively alkaline water with salts and lactic acid in the mash. I treat my sparge...