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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. DougmanXL

    Indigenous Amber Ale

    That recipe is crazy, I like it. I wonder if I can modify it and make Chicha instead? Although I would probably use hops (I hate infections); probably 1/2oz of willamette or fuggles. Then maybe double the corn grits, take out the other ingredients... :D
  2. DougmanXL

    Keg and Force Carbing Question

    Also I think it's short on purpose to prevent beer from getting into the co2 line easily. If you tip the keg or if you lower the pressure on the regulator and bleed co2 from it (instead of the keg lid) beer can get into the co2 line.
  3. DougmanXL

    Do you have any GF beer (commercial) recommendations?

    Keep in mind that the varieties of liquor/beer available in Ontario is limited compared to the USA *cough-LCBO* (and everything is overpriced). If I could buy T'weason ale, I would, same goes for Crispin's ciders. Probably wouldn't brew so much otherwise. But I do like Bards better than the...
  4. DougmanXL

    Do you have any GF beer (commercial) recommendations?

    Lets discuss it over a Bards (lol). Bard's Tale is the best commercial GF beer I've had (except Snowman Brewing's triple but theyre not for sale yet). They malt the sorghum, so it has malt character and mouthfeel, unlike other GFB's. It's a german lager with a sweet malty character, light...
  5. DougmanXL

    Sprouted GF grains = malted GF grains?

    All I know is, don't trust sprouted grains to self-convert like malted ones, add amylase to be safe... also I think (in my case at least) they were kilned at a high temperature, because they tasted slightly roasted, and were darker brown than the raw ones. I don't think you could use them (very...
  6. DougmanXL

    conversion failed?

    Got my malt from Natures Emporium north of Toronto... don't think I can get malt across the border. It was listed as sprouted grains, I'm not sure who eats that but it was expensive. It could have been lightly roasted during processing, it was a bit darker than the raw grains, and kinda tasted...
  7. DougmanXL

    What would you pay for real GF malt?

    Oops, Snowman brewing must have been referring to the amount of wet grain (before malting and drying) when they said 17lbs of grain... So it was $3/lb regardless of roast type, and takes about 10lbs of base? Then that means my IPA would cost 9+3*10+3*4=$51, awesome! So how much malty...
  8. DougmanXL

    What would you pay for real GF malt?

    Most GF products are 1.5-2x the cost of regular ones, however remember we are buying in bulk here vs at the supermarket (where they gouge)... so $3/lb for base millet malt (2-row) would be fine and other specialty roasts at $4/lb? Also Light and dark roasted Buckwheat would be great as well...
  9. DougmanXL

    conversion failed?

    Thanks for the help man... you're probably right, plus using my (heavily chlorinated) water probably didnt help. I roasted 2 of 6 trays badly (over 300F), and they were dark, 2 trays were about crystal and 2 were in between... probably why I got some conversion after adding the amylase enzyme...
  10. DougmanXL

    conversion failed?

    Update: Ok i probably didnt need to panic... it didnt matter anyway, the amalyse did the trick, it was 1.022 after, which sounds about right for the grain bill i had. Plus since it was a brown ale there were so many other fermentables it worked anyways, lol it was actually 1.070 :D I followed...
  11. DougmanXL

    conversion failed?

    Hey all, I'm having a big problem with grains... I was able to obtain sprouted buckwheat and quinoa from a health-food store, and I assumed I could roast it and brew with it. So I followed the PDF guides posted up here a while ago, and everything seemed to be working (except my sparge is stuck...
  12. DougmanXL

    Clarity-Ferm, Gluten Testing, and Gluten Sensitivity

    I dunno if anyone else has seen this, but my LHBS gave me a brochure from White Labs advertising using Brewers Clarex to make gluten free beer from barley/etc... but he knew I had tried that, so he told me to "give them hell" for it, but I havent gotten around to it yet...
  13. DougmanXL

    Malting Gluten Free Grains

    Thank you so much! I was having the exact same problem with the aussie forums... After reading it, it seems to be the most detailed and concise guide to GF malting/brewing I've seen. If it were sold as a book, I'd buy it in a second. Can the files be stickied/attached to this forum somehow...
  14. DougmanXL

    Clarex (Clarity-ferm) testimonial thread!

    I think I hijacked the thread... sorry. Just, I've had bad experiences with clarex, but those millet beers were Fantastic! I haven't even had the opportunity to make a millet beer (i dont have room/equip. for malting & cant get maltable millet) but I had a brown ale, and a belgian triple from...
  15. DougmanXL

    Clarex (Clarity-ferm) testimonial thread!

    History seems to be repeating itself :p I agree with igliashon - I made some gluten-reduced beers, one with 2 vials of carex, and they both gave me a reaction after just a few swigs. I had to give them away to other people...
  16. DougmanXL

    What books do you recommend

    I second radical brewing. Although it may not help in terms of the "gluten free" aspect, it is full of great ideas and interesting stories/history, and is a great/enjoyable read. Also there is How to Brew by John Palmer, and I just read "Yeast - the practical guide..." by Chris White, which...
  17. DougmanXL

    "Low Gluten" Beers May Not Be Safe

    Hey guys, I wasn't going to post this yet, but since you brought up the subject... I have been experimenting in the dark arts, creating "Gluten-Reduced" beers, and drinking them myself. I am a fairly sensitive celiac, but I'm young/healthy so I'll recover quickly. Also I can't get maltable...
  18. DougmanXL

    Gluten Free Beer, made with Barley

    I've actually brewed 2 gluten reduced beers, and I am fairly sensitive to gluten. I'll post my full experience soon, but so far its not good - something more needs to be done to a gluten-reduced beer, to cleave hordeins/prolamins (and I'm trying to figure out what). Clarex by itself (even if...
  19. holidaymead


  20. burnerampkettle

