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  1. Huck4Food

    10% Off Custom Caps at

    I'm in....I never seem to have enough caps it is the one thing I track poorly and don't realize it until I'm bottling.
  2. Huck4Food

    Free Subscription to BYO Magazine

    Bring on the BYO, please be random, please be random...
  3. Huck4Food

    5G carboy sufficient as a second primary?

    When you do decide to invest in more carboys, checkout bells brewing. I bought another 6.5 and 5 to increase my brewing capacity and even with the shipping on such a large package it was cheaper than everyone else including my LHBS. I think I paid $28 for a 6.5 gal and $24 for the 5 gal.
  4. Huck4Food

    Not a lot of krausen?

    Temperature will also play a role in fermentation activity. I generally ferment in the lower to mid range of a yeasts specified temp tolerance, and find that I also don't get the massive airlock popping eruptions that my friends get that ferment at what ever temperature the room happens to be...
  5. Huck4Food

    I had to laugh.........

    There is no accounting for taste, I would have simply told the offending "beer expert" that the keg of coors light had one premium ingredient he was's called "free".
  6. Huck4Food

    Challenge for the beer jedi's

    No, my great uncle was from a small town in CT. I live in Virginia at the request of the department of defense and should not be looked upon as identifying with a sub-cultural practice such as the obviously barbarous salting a perfectly good glass of beer. However I must also offer that I was...
  7. Huck4Food

    Challenge for the beer jedi's

    Maybe the salt was to balance his water out, but that would imply that he was very particular about his process. However speaking to my mom about it she claims he didn't even measure ingredients so I have no idea what the salt was for.
  8. Huck4Food

    Challenge for the beer jedi's

    Yep. 1/4 cup of salt. I have no idea what it was for but thats the way he made it.
  9. Huck4Food

    Challenge for the beer jedi's

    Here is the recipe, like I said its basic. The paper was so old I had to invert the color scales when I scanned it just to make it readable. I'm trying to find authentic ingredients for the period to see if I can make this beer and try a recipe that is 50 years+ old and a part of my family's...
  10. Huck4Food

    Challenge for the beer jedi's

    Awesome Passedpawn, Thanks for the input, I'll send my mom a picture of the can and see if I can jog her memory. I can say that my mom helped me brew a witbeir two weeks ago and she laughed about the sanitation that I went through. She remembers my great uncle dumping out the traub and...
  11. Huck4Food

    Challenge for the beer jedi's

    I recently got a bootleg beer recipe that my mother found in some old papers she had. It was my great uncles recipe for beer that he made before it was legal to do so in a private home (my mother says she remembers him brewing it in the 50's and early 60's in a shed in the backyard). However...
  12. Huck4Food

    Carboy/ Keg Cleaner Giveaway

    If you don't pick about I just send my carboys to you and you can clean them....