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  1. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    Cracked more than a few of the IPA's last night and they are damn tasty and pack a hell of a punch in terms of bringing about a nice glow rather quickly. The bonus was the fact that no one was hungover this morning and a couple individuals really enjoyed quite a few of them.
  2. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    At this point i am not going to touch any of this batch for two weeks, but then i am going to take a few pints with me when i go to visit family and the rest will sit.
  3. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    Thanks for the input, i will let the majority of it condition longer then i initially planned. I will definitely have to sneak a few though as this will be my first weekend of the summer as i just finished the summer semester of graduate school.
  4. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    Both the first batch and second batch have been bottled. The first homebrews will be consumed this weekend.
  5. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    Bottling Friday, getting excited.
  6. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    So i am thinking about throwing the 1.5-2 gallons of IPA i have left than remain from the geyser incident and either dry hopping or throwing some apricots (e.g., Aprihop) in with it. Any suggestions? It has been in the primary fermenter for a little over a week.
  7. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    Thanks. Anybody have any advice on getting krausen stains out of the ceiling tile?
  8. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    I did take a an OG reading, i think i will give it at least two weeks and then take another reading. Thanks for the info guys.
  9. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    So the wort has been fermenting 4 days now and i am seeing no more CO2 in the airlock how much longer should i allow it to ferment? I was under the impression that i should let fermentation run two weeks, is this incorrect?
  10. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    Thanks for the tips/advice/knowledge guys. The fermentation of the latest batch is going great but i think when the carboy exploded the other day it may have blown off a lot of the yeast because i have seen zero activity since the "incident". When i refer to the incident it wasn't just the...
  11. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    What exactly do you mean when you say "didn't do a boil"? Are you talking about boiling your wort? Sorry if i didn't understand i'm still very new to the game.
  12. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    Glad to hear i'm not the only one who has experienced this, it was quite terrifying as i had just woke up and was still in zombie mode. The brewing process went well last night and i currently have an active fermentation on my hands. Can't wait to reap the benefit of my efforts.
  13. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    Tonight will be a night of IPA brewing madness while consuming large amounts of IPA (it only seems right).
  14. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    Tonight i am going to whip up another batch though as i have some free time and the ingredients to do so. My other batch is in a glass carboy would using the food grade bucket result in any difference in flavor, should i buy another carboy? I just want to make sure i have an adequate amount of...
  15. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    No still have some beer just not as much as i should have. Thanks for all the words of encouragement i need it after what i am now referring to as the incident.
  16. W

    How did you find us?

  17. W

    Howdy from homebrew hell

    New to homebrewing whipped up my first batch last night. Woke up this morning to find the airlock to be oozing foam on my 6.5 gallon glass carboy so it was a very active fermentation. Tried to clean the airlock when the carboy bung decided it had enough of the pressure popping off as if...