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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. slumslum

    [Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

    I am having a hell of a time with my RaspberryPi and RaspberryPints 2.0.1. I installed everything twice making sure I followed the instructions exactly - and manually checked that the install files were in the /var/www/ folder. However, when I go to the IP Address of the Pi I keep getting the...
  2. slumslum

    Banana Bread Ale

    Giving this a go in a 10 gallon batch. Does anyone have any input with this build off of the original recipe? Also, can someone tell me if my Mash in and Sparge volumes and temps are good? I am still learning that part and it's always nice to have someone look it over for me. I use...
  3. slumslum

    Session APA - Mosaic and Galaxy Hop Build?

    I got all the ingredients I needed today for this beer and dropped the sugar from the recipe. Grain Build - 10G batch 7lbs - Pale Malt - 2 Row 7lbs - Maris Otter 1lbs - Flaked Barley 1lbs - Caramel 10L Yeast Safale US-05 Hops 1.00oz Columbus (60 Min) 1.00oz Columbus (1 Min) 1.00oz...
  4. slumslum

    Session APA - Mosaic and Galaxy Hop Build?

    Awesome. Thanks again!
  5. slumslum

    Session APA - Mosaic and Galaxy Hop Build?

    Thanks for the input guys. I am going to go this route. I never dry-hopped before. Are leaf hops preferred or would pellets in a bag work as well? Should I dunk them in boiling water to kill off any possible infections prior to throwing them in the fermentors? Vodka maybe? Edit: just in...
  6. slumslum

    Session APA - Mosaic and Galaxy Hop Build?

    Hey everyone - I never used Mosaic or Galaxy hops before and I would like to give them a shot in my next brew. The idea is to make a session-able beer with a lowish ABV, but a decent IBU with a big tropical/citrus flavor. Problem is that I don't really know what works best together with...
  7. slumslum

    Fruit Beer Lemon-Lime Hefe Weizen

    I think I got my stuff worked out now - I found a beersmith file online and it looked to be pretty close to what I had just a little different. I have 1 more question though: I am going to be making this in a single 10 gallon batch, and I ferment in a single stainless conical fermenter - when I...
  8. slumslum

    Fruit Beer Lemon-Lime Hefe Weizen

    I am looking to make a 10 Gallon batch of this for a party on July 27th. Does anyone happen to have a Beersmith 2 recipe made up for this? I get a bit nervous brewing with other people's recipes (generally only brewed with kits) and the Beersmith lays everything out for me. I fiddled around...
  9. slumslum

    Graff (Malty, slightly hopped cider)

    I am going to make a variation of this on Saturday. I am going to follow the original recipe for the most part, but instead of Apple Juice I am going to use some fresh squeezed Apple Cider. I have 2 questions: 1. Using Nottingham Yeast. Is 1 packet of Nottingham enough or should I...
  10. slumslum

    Graff (Malty, slightly hopped cider)

    My Graff is just about ready to be carbonated. I am going to force carbonate in a keg, then use a beer gun to put the cider into bottles. Does anyone know what PSI/Temp I should carbonate this at?
  11. slumslum

    Blood Orange Hefeweizen

    I did! Thanks for the reply anyway. I'm sure it will help someone else trying to make this. My batch is currently sitting in the fermenter for about a week now. I used 10 medium sized blood oranges, and the zest from about 8. It is fermenting, but it isn't as vigorous as I thought it...
  12. slumslum

    Blood Orange Hefeweizen

    I am going to be brewing this tomorrow. Found about 10 nice blood oranges, and the other ingredients I needed. I am going to be attempting the All Grain version of this. Can anyone who has made this All Grain shed some light on what temperatures I should mash and sparge at?
  13. slumslum

    Blood Orange Hefeweizen

    Our local stores don't carry them. I am in the Coal Region of NEPA. I can take a ride up to the Wegmans in Wilkes-Barre, but that is about an hour drive.
  14. slumslum

    Blood Orange Hefeweizen

    Thanks for your response. My challenge now will be to find fresh blood oranges, or something similar. Anyone else have a substitute I can use if I can't get the blood oranges?
  15. slumslum

    Blood Orange Hefeweizen

    Phew. I just skimmed all 44 pages of this thread. I was just wondering if someone could give me feedback on a couple newbie questions I have. This will be the first time I brew a hefe, and the first time I use real fruit in the brewing process. It will also be my 2nd All Grain brew...