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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. C

    Did I overcarb my bottles?

    My last two batches have been quite foamy as well. The last pumpkin ale in particular. Spent 4 weeks in primary, then racked off to bottle. Used the same ratio of corn sugar as people above, yet when you watch my pumpkin ale closely when you pop the cap, some of the sediments that settled to...
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    3 Tier Gravity Brew Stand

    Using gravity to transfer fluids from one container to the next
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    Autumn Seasonal Beer Thunderstruck Pumpkin Ale (AG and Extract versions)

    So I just brewed this over this past weekend. 10 hours total time... man the mash/sparge was a huge PITA... It just kept getting stuck and/or was draining immensely slow. If I ever do this pumpkin batch again, I might just aim for the extract to save my sanity and time. Pitched the yeast...
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    Pumpkin Ale

    Actually, my LHBS doesn't have rice hulls. And looking around town neither does the food coop. Turns out there is a product called PHB (I think that was it)... which I found at a hydroponics homegrowing store. It's an alternative grow media... 50lb bag of rice hulls was $16 **edit** It...
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    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Dark Chocolate Stout

    Sorry I haven't been keeping up-to-date on here, too many real life issues It was GREAT! A little too much coffee taste in the front, followed by chocolate, so I plan on brewing this again this upcoming weekend, with a bit less roasted barley and more base grain to make up for it...
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    Cool Brewing Giveaway!

    Cool brewing! =)
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    One barrel system

    ah I remember playing with labview back in college! Fun software
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    The MaxOut Brew Station

    Truly inspirational! Amazing build for sure I just picked up a Stainless 3 basin 8ft long sink myself on Saturday for part of my home brewery build. So many ideas I could take from this thread! I raise my glass to you sir
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    Bottle Cap Bar Top

    love the bar top, I want to do the same for my basement renovation coming up in a few months. I have been trying to collect caps as well. I have a lot of drinking to do lol
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    Pavichevich Brewing/Goose Island Baderbrau

    So this guy I work with keeps on bringing up Baderbrau, he is a home brewer as am I, and so I'm always looking for some new stuff to brew. I decided to do some digging on this beer and I am not really finding a whole lot here. Here is the wiki link for the beer itself Wiki Entry I could do...
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    Bells Oberon Clone

    Going to be trying my hand at this oberon clone, specifically the recipe Boerderij_Kabouter posted on page 2. Also will be my first go at doing a decoction. So we'll see how this works out! I will post up results and pictures as things progress. Ironically enough I will be stopping at the...
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    Good Place's to hit in Kalamazoo??

    Bells Old Peninsula Bilbos Gallaghers Brewsters Kalamazoo Beer Exchange I'm biased towards Gallaghers, since I have my name on a plaque on the wall and a mug with my name on it =) I wish Bells would bring oracle back on tap, and Dark Wheat. Two amazing beers IMO.
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    Michigan Winter Beerfest - Grand Rapids

    was it just me, or was it TOO crowded in there?
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    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Dark Chocolate Stout

    So far it was pretty tasty, first taste seems to hit you with the coffee sensation a bit, but finishes heavy on the chocolate notes My OG was 1.089, and as I bottled last night it was 1.039. So an ABV of only about 6.5%... target was 10% so I'm not sure why the yeast stalled out like it did...
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    Bells Oberon Clone

    Going to attempt a recipe from a mixture of all the previous posts in this thread Questions though, I see several different recipes using a multitude of yeasts... has anyone nailed down which one is the closest? I see: 1272 American Ale Yeast II Wyeast Labs #1010 WLP320 American hefeweizen...
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    HomeBrewTalk 2012 Big Giveaway

    Reply, BA prizes from BA vendors =)
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    EBay fish tank controller build using Wal-mart parts

    do you have the probe submersed in for example a cup of water inside the fridge?
  18. C

    Stc 1000 . . . . ?

    mine is out in my garage which reaches freezing temps (left a glass carboy out there with water/star san in it and it went boom... oops) Controller is going fine, I actually need to start adjusting my temp for my oktoberfest lower and lower, been in the fridge at 53 for a month now