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  1. F

    Help with identifying a song...

    what is the guitar intro playing, in the movie Beerfest, when the American team is entering the games? like a couple of 3 note scales repeated with some chords and bass in the background... not on the soundtrack... ???
  2. F

    Immature Humor Alert!

    I went to high school with Harold Spots. He didn't mind being called Harry. and re: Cheesefood's post, welcome to Nashville, y'all. Like a comedian in a club here one night said: "I just came in from LA, where the morning traffic report sez something like 'theres a sniper on a bridge...
  3. F

    What is your favorite intoxicant next to beer?

    The smell of burning Varget or Accurate 2520 right now. Best ones but it's been a few years, was a column of smoke on the horizon & 1000 gal of water behind the seat, busting stop signs at 55 mph, with the Southern VP on "yelp" and the Grover Stuttertones hollering. I used to be able to...
  4. F

    Brewing a different thing...

    Well, since it was cold and raining outside today, and I didn't wanna venture out into the garage, I figured I'd work on the hot sauce. Cayennes were AWESOME. Can't describe. I like the sharp fresh cayenne taste, but these were totally different. Very back-of-the-mouth pungent mellow heat...
  5. F

    Cures for hangovers

    Cajun I used to work with would always drink Gatorade. If he came in with a quart in the morning we steered clear of 'im. Best solution is to not go to bed drunk. stay up till you sober up.
  6. F


    Kind of a cross-post, but all is well with this batch. Whew. Best lawnmower brew I've made. Now I have to find that ink pen and dump it in every time! Wheeeeeeeeeee-doggies!
  7. F

    WLP 051 California V Ale ???

    FWIW, after about a week and a half in the secondary the smell was gone. Gave it a couple more weeks to be sure; then bottled it 2 weeks ago. had me one last night, turned out OK!!!! Another batch of "lawnmower beer"!!!
  8. F

    Favorite Extract Recipe ????

    Miss Denise's Pepsi Beer 1 can John Bull Dark extract 3 lb Munton's Dry dark extract 10 HBU worth of Hallertau (60 min) 2 tsp spruce essence - 5 min whatever yeast you like mmmm.... looks like a Pepsi.
  9. F

    Opinions on this recipe

    yea, what he said. LHBS is carrying more stuff daily, like 10 lb bags of MO. thanks for the tips... just worked out that way (leftovers from american brews, hobgoblin clone, etc etc... )
  10. F

    Opinions on this recipe

    Well, I'm fixing to buy a new house, want to use up leftover stuff. Gonna do this, for an ESB: 10 lb Maris Otter 2 row (well I had to buy that) 1/2 lb 60L 1/2 lb cara-pils 1.5 oz Fuggles 60 min 1 oz Styrian Goldings 60 min 0.5 oz Kent Goldings 30 min 0.5 oz KG 5 min and a vial of...
  11. F

    Christmas shopping?

    didn't take her long to achieve that status. wonder why? Back on topic -- (well not really) I don't never know what to get my SWMBO. so this past week for her birthday, she got a 4 slice toaster, 2 pairs of pajama pants, and a rolling suitcase thing (said "craft caddy" or something on it.)...
  12. F

    Christmas shopping?

    Sort of off topic, but a buddy of mine, when asked by his girlfriend what he wanted for Christmas, said "why don't you lose 20 lbs?" that is not a good answer.
  13. F

    Post the stupid things you did when drunk

    4 pints of Killian's Red 2 bottles of Boone's Farm (strawberry hill) a pint of Smirnoff 100 + kahlua + about a pint of heavy whipping cream (racing octane White Russians) started at 7 PM, got done drinking the above at about 10 PM. (at the volunteer fire hall no less). about 10:30 I...
  14. F


    Secondaried this brew tonight; it looked OK - no hunks floating, no mold on top, actually was very clear, gravity down to 1.011 (from 1.038). Still has that sulphur smell (from another thread) Doesn't taste bad though. But doesn't taste "right" either. If it went bad, would it be instant...
  15. F

    WLP 051 California V Ale ???

    Using WLP 051 California V Ale yeast in my latest AG batch (5 lb 2 row 1 lb 6 row 2 lb flake maize 1 lb rice syrup solids), and it smells like sulphur while working. It cranked in about 18 hours (made a starter 4 days before). White Labs literature cites some strains as having sulphur...
  16. F


    I hold the tube at the top of the bucket, and since I don't do but about 4 gallon boils right now, when adding my bottled spring water I let it splash a bunnnnch.
  17. F


    I keep my hands wet with sanitizer when racking / bottling - dove in and got it barefisted... well bare fingertipped anyway... Wonder why no crayons???
  18. F


    Did a batch last night. everything went perfect. hit my temps dead-on, kept the boil going (my stove aint' too stout), everything like it should be. racking into the primary this morning (I chill all night in the brew pot in the bathtub), got pot on the kitchen table, primary on the...
  19. F

    How much did I waste by doing this?

    yea, we been doing that. got out of sync though (with open primaries, etc.); had planned on doing this AG the right way but have just... run... out... next brew (hobgoblin clone) we will do extract w/ grain. or maybe PM since I have 2 lb of milled grain left over... LHBS is soon to be...
  20. F

    How much did I waste by doing this?

    Well, long story short, I use a homemade double bucket lauter tun (2 nested buckets, inner drilled w/ a million 1/8" holes, outer with a spigot). Has worked OK on recipes with a lot of 6 row. Didn't do so hot on my last Light - got stuck a couple times... Flaked maize gets gooey like. So...