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  1. Brewin_the_goods


    Flogging, Dropkick, Pogues,'d think I'm Irish, but I just enjoy making and drinking beer to good Irish punk.
  2. Brewin_the_goods

    *Caution* Beer Is Evil

    :mug: That made me laugh out loud. This is going in for one of my quotes.
  3. Brewin_the_goods

    Homebrew calories.

    More calories per serving yes, but do you drink more calories per drinking session? If it takes 4 or 5 100 calorie beers to get you feeling the same as two good home brews, it's all relative. Just work out, you'll feel better and not feel guilty about drinking :mug:
  4. Brewin_the_goods

    What beer would you describe as the beer that 'awakened' you...?

    Newcastle, then on to SNPA. Been in love with Craft brew ever since.
  5. Brewin_the_goods

    Great girlfriend/future wife story...

    Just enjoy it while it is here.
  6. Brewin_the_goods

    What's the weirdest ingredient?

    P*ssy beer :drunk::tank:
  7. Brewin_the_goods

    Funky after taste.

    Hmmm. I brewed a IIPA and an Irish Stout and they sat in those temps (and a little higher) and tasted beautiful. They both got a secondary treatment though.
  8. Brewin_the_goods

    Funky after taste.

    +- 70* but the last three days it sat in a room that got down into the low 60's and that's also where it sat in the bottles for the first week and a half.
  9. Brewin_the_goods

    Funky after taste.

    I brewed a SNPA clone on the 11th of October, bottled it on the 3rd of November and here it is 7 weeks after that and it still has this funky fruity aftertaste. The beer has really cleared up, the head retention is good and if I let it sit for a good 5-10 min after I pour it, the taste kind of...
  10. Brewin_the_goods

    Sierra Nevada 'Life and Limb' Ale

    That is one of the raddest labels ever. I'm so jealous......maybe having to take a trip to Nevada to get some.
  11. Brewin_the_goods

    Favorite APA??

    SNPA, Mirror Pond, and I'm surprised I haven't seen Anderson Valley PA.
  12. Brewin_the_goods

    transporting fermenter

    I've transported mine a week after I pitched the yeast and everything turned out fine, so I think that you'll okay.
  13. Brewin_the_goods

    Anti-IPA ?

    SNPA is my beer of choice, :mug: that is the one that got me liking beer in the first place. Torpedo is okay every once in a while, not a huge fan. Their Celebration Ale this year is a good IPA, and their Estate Ale (Wet Hop IPA) is phenomenal :rockin:.......worth every penny of $7.84 I...
  14. Brewin_the_goods

    Mmmmmm Sierra Nevada clone.

    I cracked open the first bottle of my SN PA clone last night and unfortunately it isn't ready yet. The flavor is good but the carbonation isn't there yet, will wait another week and check back in.
  15. Brewin_the_goods

    Sierra Nevada Estate Ale first year release.

    I also had mine last night, just couldn't hang on to it any longer. I highly recommend trying it if you haven't, it has a nice piny citrus start with a great hop finish. The best way to describe it is it has a SN PA start with an IPA finish, yet the hops aren't overbearing at all. It's...
  16. Brewin_the_goods

    Sierra Nevada Estate Ale first year release.

    What's this anniversary ale? I only get the Torpedo, PA, Porter, and Stout. Also we just got the Estate Ale........I'm missing out on good SN's!!! We occasionally get the Seasonals though too, I'll quit bitchin now.
  17. Brewin_the_goods

    Sierra Nevada Estate Ale first year release.

    My state liquor store. They used to only carry SN PA, Stout and Porter. I talked to them a few months ago and now we get the Torpedo IPA, which I was super stoked about cause we don't have any good IPA's here.
  18. Brewin_the_goods

    Sierra Nevada Estate Ale first year release.

    Has anyone tried this yet? I bought a bottle last week as a house warming present to myself when I move next week. I don't know if this bottle will survive for another 9 days, but at $7.84 for a 24oz. bottle I'm going to try to make it.
  19. Brewin_the_goods

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2009?

    +5 of Irish Stout, +5 of IIPA, +5 of Lemon Corriendar +5 of Sierra Nev PA Clone =20 22,956 + 20 22,976